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I always ponder this. by GuzzleMuzzle

Who would actually welcome more writings from me?

I always ponder this.


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    From what I've seen you've got at least a few people that really do like your work.

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    i welcome as much writing as your mind and body can handle, regardless of whether it is received or applauded or any of these things

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      I'm just extremely critical of my writing where - and this speaks of arrogance - the "quality" of it is concerned.

      I'm an aficionado of far too many things from far too many video games and TV shows of varying targeted demographics, so one minute I have in mind something for a long poem that would actually also tell a story, but the next minute I have something of a "'Xenogears' meets Guilty Gear" type 2D fighting game "mission battle" in mind that would revolve around the four main protagonists of my still very underdeveloped story called "Parasympathy"...if that makes any sense. O.O

      I'm inspired by a wide array of things that I dearly love, not all of which pertain to "edgy" writing or "intense video game-esque battles". Focusing on one thing can be hard, though I've done it before several times before when writing, which several people have loved in the past.

      Seeking affirmations is also a problem of mine. I just know about and of so many things that I often doubt my own reasons for putting a pen(cil) to paper (or, mostly my finger to my iPod Touch or laptop keyboard to type) to write. Morality concerns also only further confuse things...