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Advice for Commissioners - Traditional vs. Digital by Malachyte

I'm often approached by those who want to buy art from me, but don't know whether they'd like a traditional media piece, or a digital one. Sometimes people ask what I prefer, or which is better overall, and I never really know how to respond. I finally decided to give it some real thought and write up a little summary that will hopefully help you all reach a more informed decision.

Please note that this advice is written specifically for myself as an artist, not others. It can be taken generally in some parts, though.

Traditional Media
A physical piece of artwork. Made of paper, Copic markers, colored pencils, crayons, gel pens... a lot of things. Can be framed and displayed. The thing that makes it most unique is that there is an original, and is not easily alterable. A lot of work goes into this as a finished product. If you spill your coffee on it, you cry.

Able to stream, but not as easily
You have the option to own a tangible item that feels very special
My backgrounds are much more skillful in this medium
Colored works with full shading are available
Able to shape the paper with scissors
Able to mount to colorful backings for a beautiful border
Badges are currently only offered for this medium
If you opt not to have the original sent to you, it gives me more material for my art portfolio for conventions!

If you damage or lose the original, it's gone; only scans remain
Flat-colored pieces look very strange, which is why I don't offer them traditionally
Scans do not do the piece justice, and will always look slightly different than the original
When customers want the original sent to them, I feel a bit emotional over never seeing it again
Able to upgrade a sketch to inks to color, but I have to know ahead of time

My Thoughts
I am most comfortable with this medium, especially for coloring. The piece comes out more robust, and I just have an easier time getting creative. If you want something to hang on your wall and really feel proud of, or have an idea that is close to your heart or is very established, I have to recommend traditional media in my case.

Digital Media
A file on a computer, intangible. Typically made in SAI. It can be printed, updated, altered and spread easily. The original file is not as unique of a thing to have, and can always be changed. If your computer crashes while you're making it, you cry.

Very easy to stream
Customer input is easier to carry out during a stream
Save the file to multiple places, and you will never lose it
Easy to alter; this is great if you're designing a character for the first time, or if you want a sketch now, inks later, etc.
Easy to print, assuming the file is the right size
All comic pages are made digitally, for me
I will never not have the original, and that is great

My backgrounds come out lacking in this medium, feeling a bit empty or miscolored
Flat colors with a spot of shading are all I offer currently
There are a LOT of options for file size and specifications, and my settings might not be correct for printing certain ways, if at all

My Thoughts
I am becoming more comfortable with this medium, but I have a lot to learn, and it shows. Coloring is a challenge, and generally looks more clumsy or boring. If you only have a text description for a character, and this is their first time being drawn, or if you have a very silly idea, I highly recommend digital artwork from me.

Final Notes
No matter what medium you choose, I'm going to give you the best of my ability. If you still feel like you can't decide, you are always welcome to describe your idea to me directly and ask for my opinion. If anyone has anything they want to add to this list, just tell me in the comments!

Advice for Commissioners - Traditional vs. Digital


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  • Link

    You know, I was sort of on the fence about the "send me an original" bit at first with a traditional commission, and knowing how it is to part with something you've become familiar with I kind of feel like maybe it's best to leave the original with you. Though, maybe you could find a way to make a reproduction? It wouldn't be as good as the original, but it would still be something physical that one could display on their wall.

    No idea how the logistics of that would go though…I'd guess a copy or sign shop would be the way to go there, and I'm not sure how you'd feel bringing non-PG material to such a place. Better quality than scanning and printing at home though, with the potential for enlargements.

    • Link

      It's not uncommon for artists to charge more for traditional if they're sending you the original, specifically because you have a one-of-a-kind item. I mean, that's the whole point of having the original. You're paying for the privilege of owning the original, if you get it from the artist and not just a reproduction.

      • Link

        Well yeah, Spix does that as well, but I'm kind of musing over what might be an alternative to sending off the original here.

        • Link

          I actually don't charge for the original, though I've thought about it. I just charge for shipping. Sending a print is completely feasible though. I would make my own, however; bringing furry porn to a copy shoppe is a kind of bravery I don't have!