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Some Things on my mind, you can ignore this if you want. by Amaterasu

Some Things on my mind, you can ignore this if you want.
So yknow what sucks... Not having any motivation to do anything lol. This always happens every time i finish a large (personal) picture that I put a lot of emotion into making, like the recent one I did for someone very special to me. So i finish it and im super proud and my best buddy Edan ( theflameshinobi, hes really good you should go watch him, hes more active on FA though) Giving me tons praise for my picture and telling me how much the person i made it for was gonna love it. Now it feels like ive come down from that high feeling and im just. unmotivated xD.

For those of you who may or may not know i do suffer from depression but i cant really say this is directly depression? i mean nothing in my life is bad. I may not be happy where i am at but im in no way feeling depressed. I got great friends i see all the time, I get to make money doing what i love and haven't had very many un enjoyable times and there is always Cri who brightens my day up so much.

maybe im just bored? when i get bored i get really unmotivated for some reason haha. I don't know ill get back into it probably by tomorrow but just some ranting going on.

What is it that you guys are waiting for or to do this year?

For me Im moving to a new place soon. going to be going to school as well and hopefully will have acquired a job other than commissions which pays less than minimum wage |3

Aside from that, Pokemon ORAS comes out this year as well as Persona 4 Arena: The Ultimax both of which i cannot wait to get my hands on. im also saving up for that new computer so that should be fun~

Im trying to be more friendly with you all. sometimes i can be a very seclusive person because it's much easier with a much slimmer chance of drama to be a faceless person who makes art. but its much more beneficial to be open with my watchers.

Some Things on my mind, you can ignore this if you want.


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    When I get bored I get down easily cause my mind wanders alot and I can't control it when I'm not occupied. xD Well..sometimes I get down..or aggrevated..other times I just start looking for stuff to do nonstop..end up downloading games I will only play once and never touch again or stuff like that.
    Stuff I wanna do this year is mostly just get a job which seems to be horribly hard at the moment. Their are also some games I wanna get around to buying like pokemon X/Y and Rune Factory 4.