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Not a Happy Bunny by BarkerlooAndCity

This is the only place I feel I have any sort of privacy to just say what's on my mind now, Weasyl

Love is hard, money is harder, I am a jerk and I'm totally confused and disorientated

I think I need a counsellor or someone who can lend me weed

Nothing else I'm trying is working

I love all my internet friends now and I feel like I'm taking you all for granted over my own problems, and I'm taking it out on Jord who I'm finding issues with

I'm just finding issues with everything and everyone, I'm just such a fucking perfectionist


Not a Happy Bunny


Journal Information



  • Link

    No no! Your not a jerk! I'm sorry if your having problems but don't be hard on yourself :( it's not your fault.

    Your an amazing person, you just need to realise that! <3

    I'm always here Bubby ^^ Again, sorry.

    • Link

      It's about stuff going on irl though Strike and in that realm, I have been a complete jerk, there's a lot to this story I've not put on the journal on purpose...

      But, thanks. <3

  • Link

    You are not a jerk! You are awesome. Don't give up now *huggle*

    Sethy's recently been having some problems too DX

    • Link

      Irl I've been a jerk and I'll never be able to forgive myself, no matter how far in the future I get, this will continue to haunt me, bad things I do to good people always do, they haunt me for years, even if it's by accident...

      But thanks Seth, for the compliments anyway <3

      • Link

        Boy, I know those feels..

        Is there anything I can do to help?

        • Link

          Not really bud but thank you for the offer, it's the thought that counts *hugs*

  • Link

    I think it's time for me to talk to you about this. send me a note when you get online. C=

    • Link

      But, I thought you hated me :c Perhaps I am wrong? I shall note you ~

      • Link

        I don't hate. It's a strong word to use. However, I was annoyed.

        • Link

          Understandable, but that was ages and ages ago man - I'm at college now, in a relationship, I've matured up so much since then, can we put that dA shiz all behind us and call truce? Because I could need an extra friend over the Christmas period and you were a good friend on dA, I enjoyed all the iScribbles we did ;U;

          • Link

            I noticed you are and the fact you are in a relationship. Also, I can understand that is all in the past and you said you matured a lot more. However, I may have to see if you have. Oh, and about iScribble, I was kicked out from your private board after you were banned on dA. Plus, I didn't say anything to cause me to get kicked out the first place and during that time, I was called to do some things for my mother.

          • Link

            Oh and it seems I am unable to reply to your note you sent me.

            • Link

              I can prove it to you in time I guess c: Wait whaaaat D: iScribble messing up man ;-; I can fix that soon enough but I don't really use iScribble anymore ~

              Wait what, why can't you reply :C Weasyl's still in beta, probably a bug :U Unless it's because of that setting I have where only people on my friends list can send me notes? Idk that's prolly it

              • Link

                Well, that never happened to me when I went on private boards on iScribble. It may be due to the fact one of your friends who had the power to kick people off the board.

                It's more likely you allowed your friends to contact you through note.

                • Link

                  There are a few mods on that board come to think of it - no way of telling which one did it but for sure it wasn't me. Either way, my iScribble board is pretty much dead these days ;U;

                  Ah okai - if you wanted to add me to Weasyl friends you could, this isn't me forcing you but otherwise, only discussion form would be through comments. :U

                  • Link

                    Ah, okay. However it was, it wasn't a nice move they did. =/

                    Well, I may have to, to be able to note you. Plus, what I wrote is pretty long anyway but most seems to be about the past and you may have learned from those mistakes anyway. However, it's better to read them as you may agree with the mistakes you made back then.

                    • Link

                      I don't really wanna talk or read about the past though, it's hard enough to think about a week ago, never mind dA, it's an extremely touchy subject for me now

                      I'll add you, if you say you won't talk about dA to me? Because I'm putting the past behind me and I've already learned from it - revision is unneeded because I passed the test on forgetting the past already. Not ready to go back over the past papers again.

                      • Link

                        Okay, I take out the da part then. C= However, you don't mind me mentioning about it but not the main part about it?

                        • Link

                          Yeah, I don't mind people talking about dA - I still talk to people who are still members, about the website updates they've had there and such - just not about what's happened there. OnO