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Laptop hunting on a budget by Masakuni

Well, since I came back from AC, my laptop hasn't been able to turn on at all. Like, the fan's running, but no screen or nothing. Turns out that the motherboard is broken and done, and since replacing it costs just as much as buying a new laptop...I've gotta buy a new laptop.

Luckily I discovered a "Bill Me Later" thing on Paypal so I won't have to wait a few months to save up the money for one, but while I have a credit limit of $801, I'm only looking for something in the $200-400 price range because I do not want to try to pay a ton of money per month for something like this. I just need a laptop to get me going and do online things until I get up off my feet and can afford the higher end things, and maybe just powerful enough to play some indies like Dust and Steamworld Dig, if at all possible. That's all.

So does anyone have any suggestions for laptops that'll do just that? Just a bit of power, but rather inexpensive? Lemme know!

Laptop hunting on a budget


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    Try an Acer? Mine was in that price range!