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Tagged and Tagging for Questions! by Caelan

cooley cooley tagged me, woohoo! Thanks for thinking of me :) It's been a long time since I've done anything like this... throws me back to the LJ days, ha. Below are the rules, my 10 facts, 10 answers and my 10 questions, and those I've tagged.

1) Each person has to share 10 things about them.
2) Answer the 10 questions asked to you, and invent 10 questions the people you tag will have to answer.
3) Choose 10 people to tag.

10 facts about me:
1) I feel like I live in my head more than in person, sometimes. I spent a large chunk of my thoughts on my headworlds and projects, figuring out parts of stories or contemplating how things relate.
2) I've always loved birds... if my work and my dragons don't make that obvious enough!
3) I've developed a high heat tolerance the last few years, but get easily cold, and often wear a blanket on my shoulders while working inside.
4) I'm (diagnosed) ADD and some days are a lot better (or worse) than others.
5) I love nature and immersing myself in it. Now that I am living back home, I go out back into the garden several times a day when I need a break, just to clear my head and look at all the plants up close.
6) Related to the previous, I greatly enjoy trail running and run 5 miles (or sometimes more) on the greenbelt trail every other day. It helps me feel centered and clear my head, work out thoughts I am stuck on, or think on story ideas.
7) I created my first character, who would gradually evolve into the Thearen I know today, when I was about 12.
8) Writing-based RPing was my main leisure activity through most of middle and high school, and I still really enjoy it.
9) I have a habit of being shy and hesitant around people I want to get to know but am not familiar with yet, and cover up my anxiety by being overly polite. Once I'm more comfortable, though, the friendly smart ass in me comes out.
10) I'm an ovo-vegetarian, though I spent a couple years mostly vegan. This is not a very exciting fact.

Cooley's Questions:
1) Gender and/or orientation?
I identify as male-ish, maybe kind of non-binary? I transitioned in college. Orientation wise, I identify as queer, as the ambiguity of it really appeals to me. I'm sort of demi-sexual and have a slight aesthetic preference for men and non-binary folk.

2) Do you identify yourself as a furry and why or why not?
Nah, though I'm obviously not opposed to the community! I grew up doing fantasy art so that's more my camp, though I've gone through phases of having a dragon persona.

3) What is your favorite pass-time?
Oh, gosh. I used to really enjoy video games, and I still do, but I never give myself the time to play them anymore! I try to work as much as possible as I'm still trying to 'break in' and get good enough to get work. But I sometimes still do RPs and I enjoy my runs in the woods.

4) Do you have a pet?
I have a cockatiel and a black-headed caique! The caique keeps me on my toes, to say the least.

5) Are you currently in school and if so, what are you studying?
Nope! I graduated last June from SCAD Savannah with a BFA in Illustration.

6) What is your job? (Do you like it?)
I just quit my former job as a digital artist at a multimedia solution company, so I'm officially a freelance illustrator- woohoo! I'll let you know when I start getting big clients though, hah. So for now, I'm living off of savings and trying to get commissions to break even.

7) What artist(s) inspires you?
Oh, gosh. A lot. nambroth was one of my biggest inspirations growing up as a teen, but so were a plethora of other online fantasy artists. I haven't changed much in my room since going to college since I only really sleep in there anymore, so there are still framed prints of artists like maggock and Goldenwolf on the walls. In a more big name way, I also really enjoy James Gurney's worldbuilding, and N.C. Wyeth's use of color is lovely. There are a lot of others, but those always come to mind first.

8) What artistic technique(s) do you enjoy using the most?
I really like doing painterly work, be it digital or traditinoal, but just plain drawing is also very enjoyable to me.

9) What is your favorite movie?
Princess Mononoke. As for live action, maybe Hero. But I enjoyed Pacific Rim a lot too.

10) Do you go out much or tend to stay in?
I prefer to stay in and work as much as possible (otherwise I get kinda anxious about not getting enough work done), but I eat out with (usually with my family) a couple times a week.

My Questions (stealing a couple!):
1) What is your gender and orientation?
2) What is your favorite thing to draw and why?
3) Is there anywhere you dream of travelling to?
4) What is your favorite thing about the artistic process?
5) Do you have any big projects you are working on or would like to someday?
6) What is your favorite entertainment media- ie movies, shows, comics, books...
7) What sort of music do you enjoy?
8) What season do you enjoy the most?
9) What book have you read that means the most to you?
10) What sort of a schedule do you keep- are you an early riser or more nocturnal?

And here's my tags... no pressure of course! Anyone else is welcome to too, this selection was somewhat arbitrary and limited because I'm shy :P
Armaina battleferrets Home owlbear Nambroth somniopus Weeburd redizak

Tagged and Tagging for Questions!


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