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Castlevania: Bloodlines audio love. by GuzzleMuzzle

Longplay of both John Morris and Eric Lecarde.

Along with the sound effects and music of this Sega Genesis game, I've had several of the sound effects commonly found in many newer Commodore 64 games in mind too, along with Commodore 64 music (I have no idea if all C64 music is classified under the "SID" format. I'm no music expert, much less a sound expert. I just love music and sound.). I say "newer" Commodore 64 games because for what I've found of the C64 library on YouTube and various other websites, there were just several C64 games that my father either had never seen when he collected the 100+ C64 games I grew up playing, or he just passed many of them over on account of "protecting" me from "violent" games...

...which sounds rather silly when you consider how far lower the graphical quality of video games was back then and these being "computer" games (but all with their own distinct charm and memorability of form, like NES 8-bit games graphics and sound-wise.).

I looked over a "Best of" compilation video for Commodore 64 games - no commentary with just pure video capture and sparse editing. Pretty nice how they set up conclusive C64 music in the epilogues of their videos.


Anyway, enjoy this "gritty visuals", vampire slaying video game longplay. :) <3

Castlevania: Bloodlines audio love.
