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Oh hey, if you draw kiddie porn by Coyote-Solitarius

stay the fuck away from me.

Oh hey, if you draw kiddie porn


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    Had a run-in, eh?

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      Not directly. Just, seeing kiddie porn all over Tumblr made me really pissed.

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    Oh yuck. Pseudopedophiles. Kill them with fire.

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      Nothing psuedo about it, really.

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        Aha, I agree! I don't like people thinking their fetishes are validated because they're "just drawings" or "I wouldn't really do it, it's just fantasy" and "furries/cubs don't count!" Makes me sick, I wouldn't hesitate to let my homicidal tendencies at a pervert.

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          If someone is sexually aroused by kids, they're a pedophile by definition, whether they agree with it or not. :|

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            THANK YOU. It's why I don't understand why people put cubs on FA, when it's a site mainly for fetishes surrounding the furry community. T^T And even though most of these cubs/kids aren't portrayed in anything worse than the innocent intentions, we don't know that there still might be people jerking off to these innocent doodles. T^T

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              I'm fine with simple chibi/cub art, it's when it's sexualized that I get bristly. :/

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                Yeah, yeah, chibis and cubs are fine, but I get uncomfortable when I see them side-by-side with porn. I get wierded out by a lot of sexualized stuff. The Ponies being a big subject. (Which I don't want to instigate with any bronies)
                But like when I tell people I have a fursona, or I refer to myself as a furry, people instantly assume the worst, but it's not like that! A lot of things get me down, mostly the knowledge that I alone will never be able to rid the world of pedophiles.

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    My exact sentiments on the matter

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    agreed! i think exploiting children sexually is vulgar and disgusting. The people that do that....Well they need to go away forever.

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    Amen brother

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    I feel bad for anyone that has a fetish like that. I don't know what it would be like to be someone like that and have everyone hating you even if you don't act for real on your desires and well, what are they going to do? I can't imagine bottling it up would be healthy. Fantasy is an outlet.

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      Someone with a fetish like that should be going to therapy. The same thing responsible necrophiliacs do. ._.;

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        What if they have no desire to do anything to any real children?

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          That never seems to be the case, and I've no real interest in playing the what-if game with whether or not a pedophile will graduate from drawings to photos to kids etc. Evidence shows it escalates, that's enough for me.

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    I don't even want to draw child characters incase people start making sexualized comments.
    Maternal instincts is usually; 'waste this fucker'. I can't use F-list anymore. Browsing is a no-go as what I know in Forensics, it's enough to justify a visit from the Chris Hansen Party Van, the profile names themselves can rile an unpleasant experience just reading the text.