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Quick catchup~ by Deviantmarshal

alrighty, just to explain my minor absense, I DID have the airsoft tryout on the weekend, much to my (minor) dissappointment I got about 8 people coming along over both days (2 were my parents bringing lunch each time). But given that its the first time I've done anything like that, its not a bad starting point. :3

Artwork is essencially caught up now, the pinup requests have been completed (insert the raucous laughter and random detonation of fireworks in celebration), and I'm now back in the well dug-out rut of not exactly knowing what to draw next. #epicfail

Work is starting to get busy, since I've got graphics to work on for the commonwealth games later this month (EEP!) plus the fan on this laptop is STILL acting up, and the replacement STILL hasn't arrived! -.-

So yeah, accidentally ran over our monthly limit on our internet so I couldn't get online as much for the latter half of last month, but then I doubt you'd miss me until I announce my plan to leave the internet for good (or something like that, the usual cause for sudden outbursts of melodrama).

Quick indeed, got something I missed? Lay it on me!

Quick catchup~


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