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news dump (articles) by Jive

I've been meaning to post more political/social justice journals here, because reading and researching those things are basically what I do with my life. Might as well share my findings.
Unfortunately, I'd like to make a journal for each and every article that needs posting... but there is a bit of a build-up on them. These are a handful of articles that I've read over the past couple of days that I feel are important to share.

Do Children Harvest Your Food?, The Atlantic

Science Reveals How the Brains of Social Justice Activists Are Different From Everyone Else's,

Fukushima's Children are Dying, Common Dreams

AZ Professor Body Slammed by Police During Jaywalking Stop, Now Charged With Assaulting Officer, ThinkProgress

And finally, one I will not simply give the title for, as the title is misleading:
"If I see three or four young black men walking down the street, I have to stop them and check their names," said Mills, who is white. "I want them to be afraid every time they see the police that they might get arrested."
This is a quote from Police Chief Russell Mills. It comes after a (white) rookie officer in his department shot a 73-year-old (black) great-grandfather at a family get together.
The title of the article is "Louisiana shooting puzzles witnesses," but it should probably be something more like Racist-Ass Police Murder Great-Grandfather in Front of His Family and Neighbors, Entire Department Denies Wrong-Doing... but what else can you expect from the LATimes?

news dump (articles)



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    "I want them to be afraid every time they see the police that they might get arrested." yeah cause that's definitely not how it is now!!!!!

    also your rewriting of the headline made me laugh

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      It's almost nice to know that this actually is the plan. Like... they at least have acknowledged it, now.

      I have a nice bitter sense of humor.