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uhm hi by CeLdragon

Havent written a journal for a while and thought it might be a good idea to tell that I am here and not gone.

Been stressed for periods of matters in rl and recently been able to take a break and just slow down on things and clean my place up ... which really needed it.
I have to get back into drawing, sometimes there is no problem to sketch for a bit or do a giftart for someone that I feel like need it.
I have few commissions that ... have been more or less on hold.
Not sure if people want to commission anything from me after I am done with those considering how long people might have to wait to get a finished image from me.

Emotionaly, I had days were I just shut down and lost interest in drawing and gone back to sleep bit longer just for not knowing what else to really do under the days.
Not really down in a deep depression, just having trouble to get myself back into doing stuff.

pets from Mystfell, clicking makes them go up a lvl for me

<img src=''

uhm hi


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    :\ Not too much I can terribly say on this, outside of myself facing very very similar issues. I've had to mentally push myself to work on art, with very little emotional or intuitive backing. The few times where I feel inspired to work on something and ACTUALLY DO IT are during times when I have migraines, and when they are at a lull in their pain cycle.

    I wish you all the very best, and I will appreciate seeing anything that you desire to share. : )

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      When there is no motivation or inspiration to draw, it makes it really hard to sit infront a paper and come up with anything.
      I cant see myself drawing under a migraine since I just want to be underside the bedcover on those times. Tho under a headache, I can draw and usualy feel better afterwards if it certain emotion that started to hurt to much and giving me the headache.

      I pondering over to upload some older sketches/ drawings that has different style on them but still that I like.

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    Hope you are feeling better soon, its normal to have this kinda thing happen from time to time, when I get down I tend to withdraw and get uncreative too. hugs Keep on demoning and itll turn out ok!

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      Thanks, might just need to be around friends and get some energy back and inspiration on the same time. Been a while since I was with friends for some time.

      It is to easily to get antisocial for some periods and should change that ^^; ...

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    Aoww, hoppas det blir bättre snabbt! :)

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      tack, man får peppa upp sig på nåt sätt ^^;

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    many hugs for you

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      hugs back for a long time