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Trivia Tuesday by FayV

Ask me anything, anything at all and I will do my best to answer.

For those unfamiliar with trivia tuesday, I have a vast foundation of incredibly useless knowledge so rather than TM tuesday, I do AMAs and if you can't think of a question just give me anything for a subject and I'll tell you what I know about it.

Trivia Tuesday


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    Can't think of a actual question so how about something from,
    Video games during the cartridge days.

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      I don't know too much about cartridges. I'm an avid gamer these days but as a kid I only had Mario World 3 and Duck Hunt. It wasn't until the N64 and Ocarina of Time that video games was a regular habit.

      I still have my original gameboy pokemon red cartridge, it has a mew on it, though no feasible method to get it out :(

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    What are you "about"? At the end of the day, with all senses of job or occupation out of mind, what is it that do you do?

    I'm probably being more vague than helpful, so an example would be my fascination with people and their stories. I'm a story teller and a story listener. That's what I'm about. Looking for the concepts that drive the very nature of the human element in everyone's story where we all think we're the main characters of the world in our own minds.

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      So to add on, that permeates everything about me. My interactions, my writing themselves, how I handle the world, etc.

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      To be honest these days...I don't really know. I used to consider myself a philosopher, a storyteller, etc. but these days my spare time is limited. Morning to night my thoughts are on school work, teaching, department responsibilities, and all other nonsense. I waste time with facebook games or looking at funny pictures on the internet.

      When left to my own devices I'll start thinking about stories, people, what makes them tick. I've thought about getting into writing more. I actually like the little 1 hour stories I come up with. a few years ago I was hard pressed to tell a tale in less than 10 pages, now I feel like I have a better grasp, but when I sit down to work inevitably I'm drawn back to academia and these days I'm not entirely sure if it's what I want in life.

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    Star Trek! :3

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      So I used to watch original series after school with my dad. My fav character and episode is Trelane from Squire of Gothos. It's silly I know, but I love original star trek and how silly and campy it was. I like what it did for sci fi, and TV as a whole (There's questions as to whether it had the first interracial kiss, but it def had the most publicized interracial kiss for the time)

      I know little to nothing outside of the original series though :I

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    Your first MFF experience?