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Foaming out the mouth with Rage by Mali-Kyte

So my asshole older
brother finally realized that oh yeah I was the one being a dick and my sis was right about me...
So to try and make up for being a dick to David and I he comes over and buys us a little over $100
in groceries and lets us pick out what we need.

We decided on meats and drinks since that gets expensive here. Little odds and ends we can get if need be.
So I got to meet my niece for the first time her name is Grace and she is 5 months old
They hang out for a while and leave, a few days later my dads food stamps come online.
$89 woo.... We bought stuff to go with our meat we bought.

We like to plan accordingly to what is in our freezer. I make dinners that can be eaten off of for like 2 or 3 days.
Since income is low and we are catching up on bills also oh yeah our AC blew up =/ the same day we bought
4 BRAND NEW tire for our car since it was getting dangerous to drive.

Hence the reason why they bought us food

So I make home made orange chicken didn't quite make as much as I hoped. So I decide to make Chicken and
yellow rice like 3 or 4 nights ago now. It was enough to have for dinner, David's lunch, dinner again and David lunch again.
PERFECT I thought! So I come home from work Saturday and I wasn't feeling well, so I lied down and took a nap.
I woke up to David suddenly not being next to me and I heard slamming of post in the kitchen.

I got up to see what was going on and the yellow rice that was enough for dinner.... GONE almost half a post gone
Now my dad IS KNOWN for giving the animals table food and David and I have been keeping Archers food in our
room and cat food since my dad can't fucking ration anything!

I get pissed off and I storm right into his room and asked him where the fuck the DINNER for tonight went!
He claims he ate it BULLSHIT! I told him that was fucking dinner tonight and he claimed he did not know.
Again BULLSHIT! As I told him that night I fucking made it this HAS to last us 3 days! That night being the last.
David thawed steaks so luckily I had something to make. My dad said he can't eat those steaks since he has no teeth he has dentures
but they are damaged
so he opted for a tv dinner.

So yesterday I come home hungry as fuck since I opt out of taking a break at work just so I can get off on time.
I was going to eat the last two steaks since that is all that was left, I had planned to make chili dogs for dinner.
David trying to be nice went to the kitchen to heat up the steaks found THEY WERE FUCKING MISSING TOO!

So I got really REALLY pissed! I went outside to find my dad on the porch. "Ok where the hell did the steaks YOU
said YOU couldn't EAT!?" He claims he ate them.... I said FUCKING BULLSHIT I pointed at Archer and said that's
where they went! I slammed the door and my headache that was already bad was to the point of tears now.

I have been sick and having horrific headaches as of late...

So I lie down and David came into the room when it was time to get up and cuddled with me to make
me feel better. I got up and made the chili dogs and baked some tater tots. Took down some chicken
patties and packaged them up with bread and condiments for Davids lunch since he did not want to
take chili dogs since they would get soggy.

So I wrapped up my two chili dogs and tater tots on a plate and WROTE MY FUCKING NAME!
which says MEL'S LUNCH on it. Well I wake up this morning to see that my lunch had been tampered with!
My dad was int he kitchen and I looked at him and said "I REALLY HOPE DAVID took this to work if not I'll be pissed"
He said he must have since he can't eat those.

I said yeah well HE DID NOT WANT THEM! I told him the reason why. So I had him backed in a corner now and he kept trying
to detour the conversation and I told him this is bullshit! He said well what CAN I eat in this house?!
I told him ALL YOU EVER ASK FOR IS FUCKING TV DINNERS! So that is what we get you! He also ate one of Davids
sausages for him to have after work!

What the fuck!? I swear ANY ROOM MATE IS BETTER than this shit! What the fuck! He KNOWS how bad we are stuggling
and yet he is WASTING food and feeding Archer the food for us and wasting cat food on a stray cat!

Just fuck my life....

SO I GUESS I'll have to LABEL EVERYTHING in the goddamn fridge now! DO NOT TOUCH THIS IS FOR DAVID/MEL!

So long story short, we are poor and lucky to get food. My dad wastes food by feeding the animals it and claiming he
ate it. KNOWING of our money troubles but doesn't give a fuck!

Seriously I don't know what prices are were you guys are but $100 doesn't get you shit!
It bought us meat for maybe a month IF I CAN RATION IT WITHOUT HIM WASTING IT!
and drinks for a week.

Cat food and dog food together can be like $15 and they can eat for over a week on the diet I have them on.


In a perfect world this move would have never happened or they would let my dad go back to his house.....

I'm more depressed now than I ever was when my mom and dad were physically fighting....

Foaming out the mouth with Rage


Journal Information



  • Link

    I know how you feel as my family is in the same place and I myself have been there with money and some family memeber of mine who well mooched heavily off of me. Like i said. if you ever need someone to vent to or just talk to. I'm usually around. If your don;t feel comfortable using skype. Feel free to send me a note. I heavily know how you feel and I hate seeing others feel like that.

    • Link

      Thanks man, I don't give skype out to people unless I feel close enough to them. So more we talk on various websites the more comfortable I feel more likley I'll give it to ya. I do appreciate your kind words on everything you have spoken to me about as of late though. It's nice to know there are still nice people around still.

      • Link

        It's what you deserve and I pride myself on trying to be a kind person. I like making friends and well trying to make others feel better after they have been hurt so many times. Just making a person more miserable is terrible. And i'm speaking from experience when i know about how you feel. And i really just like making others feel better and picking them up when their down. I just want you to know you have someone you can always talk to!

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    I'm here if you ever need someone to chat with hon hugs