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June Update by FastWinger

Alright, I figure it’s about time I posted an update with some news on what’s happening here.

Good News:
My grandmother is doing well and we think she will be able to leave the hospital sometime this week. She is very excited to be going home and the doctors are going to be assigning homecare workers to help her with daily chores.

Kind of Bad News:
My own health has been acting up a little and causing a few problems, but it’s being managed. To explain what’s been happening I have to go a little bit into my medical history.

Way back when, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism. I was put on medication for eight years before it finally went into remission, and I have been fine for almost five years now.

Last month I wasn’t feeling well, and my doctor sent me to get blood tests done (My heart rate was way too slow, I was dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out). When the results came back she diagnosed me with Hypothyroidism. I’m on a synthetic thyroid hormone currently, but I’m still going for tests so we can find out exactly what is going on.

I have been drawing a little these past couple of months and I will start posting art again, but I want to wait for my health to get better first.

Thank you everyone for being patient with me, and for sending me little messages while I’ve been gone. I’ll do my best to reply to them very soon.

If anyone is curious about the medical conditions I mentioned above I’ve got some links you can look at if you want.
Graves Disease:

June Update


Journal Information
