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6-7-14 - State of teh Kitteh #2 by AngelicDirt

Melissani Cave in Kefalonia, Greece OC -

(Pretty Mediterranean cave. :B)


I can only wish for someplace that secluded and nice right now. I don't know how, but I might have done too much this week. Or maybe I'm just getting used to it...

Working on a comic and a commission right now. Some ID art, too, as it's half a year in and I'm still rocking that blue thing on my dA and twitter. I'm thinking something in a green.

While the stress of fitting into a system that neither needs or wants me is all but gone, I am in contention with myself at the moment. I have NEVER been a mistress of the social graces, and the more I try the worse I get, I think. So online it's magnified and, well, now I'm bashing my head against the same a old wall. Do I talk, or don't I? Do they still like me? Why did I stop talking again? Why do I still talk to these people? Etcetera, etcetera... So THAT'S been fun.

Also, Thursday went horribly. So, new recording day...

Sunday: Journal/businessy crap (This, right here, every week)
Monday: Recording (Art and gaems)
Tuesday-Thursday: Offline work
Friday: Streaming (Art and gaems)
Saturday: Upload day

Also, I suppose you might be wondering if there's an actual cue or something. Answer is... there isn't. My cue is precisely one. And that's full right now. Obviously, I'll look at offers, but I like to focus on one thing at a time.

I... think that that's everything.

Meh, cya next week. ^^;

6-7-14 - State of teh Kitteh #2


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