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Patreon campaign back online by Fira

I've brought my Patreon campaign back online. I'll explain what to expect from it.

As a writer, I've always wanted to make my passion into a career. However, life has constantly gotten in the way of that. Either due to publishing/publisher issues, real life, or technology getting in the way, I've had to go through many curve-balls to get to where I am. However, I want to become a professional writer, and I can't let things get in the way of that dream any longer.

The Patreon campaign won't be my only source of income, but it will be one of them. I plan on working on books and short stories to sell through Smashwords, including some furry erotica—niche and general erotica—as well as occasionally taking commissions. However, my primary focus will be on the books and short stories. That said, if I can build up my income to a certain level, I will finally be able to make writing my full-time job while helping both myself and my mates with bills, among other things. However, my priorities will be on bills and necessities, not things that I just happen to want.

I'll still be posting things here, but patrons will be getting my stories earlier than anyone else, and in some cases, have the ability to suggest story themes for me to write with. On top of this, patrons of a certain level will be getting free copies of every book I write (ebook form), and some will be getting them early.

I won't bug you about my campaign, but I will mention it when applicable, just like the PayPal tip jar I plan on setting up. I'm not a spammer or pan-handler, and I refuse to become one. That said, I would and do appreciate any patrons who pledge money towards my campaign. It really means a lot to me.

Patreon campaign back online


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