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*sad sigh* Have to have another surgery... TOMORROW by BobbyThornbody

Well, it appears that my time in the hospital isn't done yet. I had to have my nurse make a house call because I was still having some drainage in my surgery incision. I was having headaches that I initially thought was due to the antibiotic, but it turns out that the headache was a result of my spinal fluid building up whenever I lay down.I was told that it took a week for it to start up because that was as long as my body needed to build the pressure back up again.

My nurse, when she left, called my neurosurgeon to talk to him, and he said the fact my incision hadn't sealed up and was still draining was a major concern to him, because he thinks that may mean one of the valves in the tubing inside me was potentially messed up. He could wait to do the surgery until Monday but there was too high of a risk that I could develop an infection by then.

The upshot is I have to go back to the hospital and get re-cut back open, possibly have stuff replaced a bit farther down. I have the same situation as before. I won't be getting any sleep because I have to be at the hospital around 6 AM for a surgery at 8:15 AM> Gotta stay there overnight and will hopefully be back out again a day later.

I'm beyond depressed right now. I was supposed to be fixed up now, and I'm not.


Wish me luck everyone.

*sad sigh* Have to have another surgery... TOMORROW


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  • Link

    Good luck Bobby, we're thinking of you! <3

  • Link

    Ouch... best of luck with the surgery, Bobby.

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    wow, I hope you all the best and I hope you come out better than ever. Prayers for you.