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Goodness I'm bad at keeping up by FamiliarAlien

Sorry if I haven't been really commenting on art, it got to about 100 image submissions here because I've been slacking again THOUGH AT LEAST I HAVE A GOOD REASON I PROMISE!

I've been having a whole crapload of health problems ._. let's talk about it because I don't often address non art related things in my journal on any art site (I tend to limit that to tumblr talk):
First of all I haven't been taking meds for my mental illness for... around two months now? Thing is the meds I was on were barely if at all addressing my actual mental health problems (ie: crippling anxiety) but were making me physically ill so after having a talk with my psychiatric doctor and not liking his attitude I decided to drop him. So come this mid June hopefully with a new psychiatric doctor I can actually get that on track.

The other problem I've been having has been going for a lot longer and is physical. You see for.. decades my back, legs and feet haven't been quite right but the last 2 years its devolve into the point I have actual trouble walking and standing. This is beyond just pain too, I actually also have leg weakness and the sometimes my ankles and even knees will freeze in place. Anyway After a prolonged uphill battle with actually trying to find a neurologist because I live in bumblefuck nowhere I finally was diagnosed with sciatica which is a result of a disk in my back sticking out in an awkward manner. So its chronic and I've started meds and I need to do a bunch of stuff to try to improve my life quality which has kinda gotten super crappy.

So I've been somewhere between burnout looking for assistance from others, burnout looking for resources, and burnout on new meds I'm taking for one problem and the lack of meds for another. Its fine though since things are starting to fall into place.

On the side of not sad and depressing though I got the game Starbound to play which I've been doing a lot in order to keep my mind off things :U I may draw some fanart of the few character I have made for it. We will see!

Goodness I'm bad at keeping up


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    It must be tough being in so much pain. I can identify with the MI since it runs in my family and I have had my share of problems but it's gotten much better for me after I got out of high school. Just try not to push your limits too hard D:

    • Link

      D: I will try. Thanks for the support. Its ok I will survive somehow I would hope! Luckily bright and early tomorrow I'm going to see my doctor and get a bunch of recommendations from him on the safest exercises I should do considering my physical health. I figure I'll trust him over the internet since he knows exactly what parts of my back are messed up.