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[UPDATE] Mom's heart attack, my job, commissions, etc. by Rooc

Thought I'd give a little update since it's been about a week or so since my mom's heart attack.

She underwent the bypass surgery last Thursday and she's been wanting to come home for two days now. They told her a week, she told them five days, but they kept her doped up for three - which we're all pissed off about because that is not what recovery is (they wanted her to wake up so they could safely remove the breathing tube, yet they kept putting her to sleep? what?).

She's real upset that she couldn't come home today but she's giving them hell for it haha. The guy from physical therapy came and said that she didn't need him. Another guy tried to say that she had fluid around her lungs/had the start of pneumonia but she pitched a fit and got the "head honcho" to check her out and yeah, she didn't have any of that shit. My dad has had that a couple times so we know what that is.

But despite the stuff that we're disgruntled about, she's doing great! She'll call either tonight or tomorrow to let us know if we can take her home. I think like twice a week she'll have a visiting nurse come by to check her out, then after that she'll have to get her blood checked every month for the rest of her life to balance the medication. But hey, that's a lot better than the alternative. We are hoping she can get it done at the clinic right down the street instead of driving an hour out, but it's whatever still.

The toughest part is keeping my mom from getting too upset and I'm just no good at these things haha. Talking to her over the phone is tough enough because she's just so miserable - she hates it at the hospital and she keeps apologizing about what happened and it's like..nothing could have predicted this and there's no sense in worrying about something you can't do anything about. Though apparently heart disease runs in both sides I guess, meaning my sister and I may develop it as well.

I can't wait 'til she can come home. It sucks being so far away from her.

Job-wise though, it's going pretty well! Apparently today is my last day of training and then I'll be on my own, which is cool 'cept no one has taught me about the cash register yet. I have no clue how to operate it so I'm gonna ask about it today.

I really like it though so far. I was gonna apply at a gas station anyways so at least this one is closer to home.

Commissions will unfortunately have to be delayed though. Not so much for my job but my mom is gonna need a lot of help and my dad can't do everything, so it's gonna be a bit rocky for a couple weeks until we get the hang of it.

But I will post a journal when I open commissions so keep an eye out for that, though I'm really not sure yet when that'll be. Thank you guys for your patience though <33

[UPDATE] Mom's heart attack, my job, commissions, etc.


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    Aah! I'm so glad she's doing much better. It sucks she can't go home yet, but you know doctors.. They just like to make sure and all that. That's what they did with me anyways when I had to be emitted. I was only suppose to stay for like 3 days, but then I had to stay there longer and yeah. CONGRATS ON THE JOB THOUGH! Eee! I'm so happy for you! :>

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    Well! This is good news on a couple fronts. :) You mom will be home soon enough, and on the upside, this a good eye-opener for you to be aware of potential future health issues so that you can stay ahead of them. Hope all wraps up soon. ^_^

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    YAY! SOOO glad to hear she's alright!

    I guess I totally forgot to suggest that would be a good idea to get her some slippers (that don't slip on slick surfaces) and a large bathrobe because hospital gowns suck, and can be really embarrassing. (And us hospital peeps don't care/think about nakedness after a while but it can add lots of stress if the person is shy..)

    I'd say the reason they want to keep her there is actually a very good sign that it's a good hospital. (If they're trying to kick you out fast, it means they aren't really caring about you, and care more about getting more money and churning out more patients.) Also, they dope her up for many reasons- mostly for pain control and also because after heart surgery, people like to cough the more awake they are (no you don't want pneumonia), but you also don't want the sutures to be messed with for at least a day or two. (Also it gets REALLY itchy when it's healing and people tend to scratch at it more when they're awake..which drives us monitor tech peeps absolutely crazy! hahaha)

    I hope they gave her a stuffed animal or a pillow to hug against her chest when she coughs/sneezes/laughs, that helps with the pain.

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    I am glad that she is doing okay! Here's hoping that she goes home safe and recovers fully!