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Dodging Homelessness by Foxxie Angel

For the last while myself and my family have been in a bad predicament. I have posted over the years about my living conditions being less than desirable. I lived in a house that belonged to my inlaws. Some may remember me mentioning on FA about this and posting photographs from a particularly bad winter where I lost my water for close to a week and how part of the roof fell in.

We stayed here as we could not afford to rent in Dublin and definitely could not afford to buy, renting outside of Dublin was too expensive and we have no car. People on My live journal will have read more over the years about my situation. It turns out my Father In Law re mortgaged the house, spent the money badly and couldn't repay the debt so now the house has been taken off him. None of this was anything myself or my Husband knew about until we got a letter through the door from the receivers.

We need to be out by the 15th of June.

We have, as of today, managed to get rented property up near where my Husband works. About 50km (31 miles) away. It was some of the cheapest and we can only just afford it. We'll be living on soup for the year I fear but I am thankful we got it as there is a huge housing crisis in Ireland right now.

This will be much better than our current living arrangements too but I will need to stay in Dublin with family until the start of July as my daughter will finish school after the deadline. I also need to find someone who will let my dogs live with them for a year. I'm hoping some relatives in Wales can.

In this year we plan on trying to get to England. There is nothing in Ireland any more. My Husbands qualifications are not needed here. He is an art historian with experience in running major art galleries and in restoring old buildings. We'll be looking at jobs in the National Trust.

Once I have settled in my new accommodation I hope to become more active. I am currently mailing people I owe things to. I will probably disappear for a month or so in June/July due to moving.

I'm just hoping that our financial situation improves somewhat. We were barely surviving before we had to pay rent.

Dodging Homelessness

Foxxie Angel

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    I hope things work out okay.

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      They are starting to look up! I can bring my dogs. The Landlord used a standard lease from the letting agency and forgot to remove the bit about no pets. He said he wouldn't be the cause of splitting up a family :D