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Well that was dumb by SleepyMonster

I just had the stupidest unessisay fight in my life, and frankly I'm confused and pissed off. It seems like all we fucking do is fight anymore, I'm really really fucking tired of it. I want to not be ignored for the computer for once, and I want that to not end in a fucking fight. What the fuck is so much better about twitter and tumblr then me? Oh right, everything, because I'm a fucking piece of shit. Jesus fucking christ.

We have an offer in on the house. Several people do, we probably won't get it because why the fuck should anything good happen? I'm still sick as fuck, worse today than yesterday. I hate being sick, I really really do.

At least tomorrow I get to get out of the house with Mazz. I am sure I'll all be sick as fuck, but it'll be nice to get out.

Well that was dumb


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    I'm hoping the house comes through for you, Alex, you deserve it! And I really hope things start looking up! Unnecessary fights are the worst and I know how shitty they can make you feel. :< Also you are wonderful and I love you! You are NOT a pos. Chin up!

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      Thanks Mali, you know part of the reason I felt like this is because I'm so darn sick. Also unessisay fights are just stupid. You're a good friend.

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    I'm sorry you had that happen Alex. I know how it can be, but I had to recently learn the hard way that I can't vent about my relationships online. I had someone take something I wrote and email it to my husband as a way I guess to get back at me? What sucks was this was someone I trusted on LJ. I felt really betrayed but in the end I just learned that sometimes its best to just keep such things to myself. Not to say you have to, and you totally have the right to vent. Just be careful because some people suck and have nothing better to do than take this and use it against you with your mate.

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      Thanks Anjel but I'm not really afraid of him seeing this. He doesn't check Weasyl often and probably won't see this, but he knows how I feel. I don't keep things from him, but sometimes I need to vent and maybe get some comforting words from friends so I can calm down and feel better.

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      Also I'm sorry that happened to you.