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Break the Ice by Cedric

I have a problem with talking to new people (mainly artists). I do not want to come off as "another random person" because I know they get enough of them already and have to deal with it. What I mean by this is the fact that many people want to become a friend to someone (again, mainly artists) just to get free art and/or gain popularity from being their friend. I want none of this. I want a legitimate friendship and the ability to ask for advice and/or critique from said artist or friend. That way I can get better at my art as well as help them with anything that I am able to provide since I am an artist (despite the fact that I am not as good as I'd like to be). I realize that famous and well-known artists want to be treated like any other person because, in reality, that is what they are. Just normal people with a high artistic ability. However, because of that ability they are seen as idols and that makes it hard for people to approach them, as I describe here.

Basically, I find it hard to introduce myself because I fear the possible effects of rejection and the first impression. I know its stupid and I should "just say hi", but for me, its not that simple. I may be acting irrational about this but its what I feel. Friendships are a powerful thing to have, but that is only if its an ACTUAL friendship, and not a person trying to reap the benefits of knowing and getting close to someone.

Break the Ice


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    I know how that feels. I'm scared to stand up for myself sometimes because of those reasons.

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    I forgot i had you on weasyl >_>

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      LOL thanks XD

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    Incoming unsolicited advice:

    I'd caution to possibly never initiate contact with the express intent of forming a friendship, unless you're on a website or physical place that explicitly encourages it (we're talking beyond basic friendly communication). I used to think very much like you and it ended up turning more people away than it brought in. People are extremely suspicious of people trying to be outright friends with them, as it comes off as "need" than "natural". Just keep it simple and be friend**ly**, and if the other person is interested they'll pick up on it.

    Be friendly, but expect nothing. It completely eliminates the fear of rejection, in my experience. Friendships are powerful and to be revered, but there are different levels of friendship and the reality is that very few people will really turn out to be that high level of friendship you appear to desire.

    I also wouldn't call many well-known artists normal people, buuuut that's not for here. :v