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Inspirational developments by struguri

So my personal universe started spilling out of my head this weekend. There are characters I need to write up and stories I need to pen. I'm going to be making use of the literary composition sort of stuff that Weasyl has. It's a rather interesting setup. I'd like to try it out.

Regarding that, though, I'm going to have to find some way to throw more money at artists. I've gotten a rather lovely description of purple's work outfit and have crafted some rather fun characters in the universe. I've only got to create more.

What was originally a way of making myself feel like I was doing something more than simply participating in the social aspect of the furry community actually turned out to be a rather fascinating form of inspiration. Who knew?

I've got time to kill though. So let me just sort of describe the universe.

I tend to have a fascination with that which goes unspoken. I like the complicated stories that arise out of the bizarre social conflict we all seem to create. Understanding people's psychological taboos and what drives them to do the things that they do just completely and utterly fascinates me to no end. (It's why I like furries-- there's a complex social order that ties us together that not everyone is either aware of or paying attention to.)

So as a result, my stories are very likely to have trigger warnings. Horrific events will be detailed sometimes that explain characters-- but there will additionally be rather humorous, even somewhat uplifting stories as well. Hell, one of the characters I plan on writing out is actually rather empowering in its own way while being a rather horrible reason for being so. When life gives you lemons...

So I certainly hope there will be some folks who'll read the stuff I have planned. It's going to be mostly sci-fi... but I will say that every story I created is likely to be included in the whole universe itself, even if the topics won't really be sci-fi. But... yeah. No spoilers. :)

Anyhow, that's enough rambling for tonight. Ideas are cheap. I should get to writing them out.

Inspirational developments


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