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Spring Cleaning(Edit: Update) by LudoCrow

Edit: Done cleaning! It took me almost all of the day.... but after almost one year spent here, with boxes still unpacked since May 2013 and with all the other crap that can accumulate somewhere over a year...

... I finally feel like I can finally call this my home. It took a while, there is still a lot of job to do... but at least for the time being I can finally reached a state where I can say I currently feel "content" about where I currently live.

It kind of feel weird to say that when we're going to be actually nearing summer-like weather for a lot of people in the US, but today here in Quebec marks the very first day where it's actually starting to -feel- like spring.
Especially so after a winter that seemed like it would never end in March and a good part of April where ultimately temperature quickly warmed up but only to rapidly give way to grey skies and cool temperature when it wasn't outright raining all day.

Also, come the end of this month it will have been one year since I've moved from an apartment to an house me and my brother bought together. And despite having been there for one year, there are still some of my things which remains in boxes that I have yet to finish unpacking either in full or just partly so.

While I'm still slowly working on my commission, I figure it's thus as good as any days to pull up my sleeve and do not only some cleaning in my personal space, but also some reordering. To separate those things which are still useful or relevant whether old or new, from those whose relevancy has long since passed or to which less pleasant memories are tied to.

And most importantly, I'm trying to turn my space into someplace I can truly feel proud of and reconize myself in, rather than the disorder I've grown to associate with this last year since we moved in here and before the move itself.

I don't know if this will help me that much, but I now know since a while that it's very hard to ever find comfort or be able to truly relax in discomfort.

Spring Cleaning(Edit: Update)


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