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Let's talk TV/Anime! by Krio

want to bump that last journal down because it makes me anxious just seeing it on my page
and my video game grind seems to have wound down a bit thanks to just completing Bioshock Infinite
(I love The Lutece Twins as characters I need to get the Buried at Sea dlc wehhh)
let's talk tv/anime !

Ahhh I'm currently fuming over the travesty that is the Almost Human cancellation
because all in all I'm not a big tv fan
and other than Hannibal and the odd HGTV or Food Network show I pretty much don't watch television at all.
I don't even have cable in my room because I thought it would be a waste of money =v=
but guhhhh guhhhh AH really gave me so much hope because it had such potential (and reminded me of one of my fave movies I Robot)
but now it's no more /rageon
behhhh I really miss good sci-fi shows (Quantum Leap, X-Files and The Twilight Zone made me happ when I was younger)
but most things just seem to be straight drivel nowadays /A\
I was really thinking of getting into Battlestar Galactica
but I've already gotta brush up on my Trek
so that's gonna have to wait~

On the anime front I'm falling way behind, most recent thing I've seen was Rebellion Story (those visual tho)

so if you liked an anime this season or just have some manga you really enjoyed, feel free to rec it to me yeah.
I"ve a MAL so you can sorta see what I usually like but my taste can be pretty eclectic

so yes friends! I hope life is treating you all kindly ;v;/

Let's talk TV/Anime!


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    Burial at Sea was SO... SOMETHING - a good something, I've seen the whole thing through twice aa - though only the first, the second's on a to-do list.

    Most of the anime I'm keeping up with lately are either dumb fun or sports series, whoops - but Kamigami no Asobi for the former, and Haikyuu!! and Yowamushi Pedal for the latter. They're about gods stuck in a school, volleyball nerds, and bike racing wonderful in that order.

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      I've pretty much heard nothing but goos things about BAS and I heard Fitzroy got a bit more storyline in it which makes me happy because I liked her and wanted more of her in the game so ahhh I'm kinda hyped for that =v=

      I've actually run across Yo Pedal on tumblr and the consensus seems to be good, which through me for a loop since it seems to just be about bike racing, but now I've become interested so I'll have to put it on the list. Ahhh Kamigami sounds cute =v= many thanks babs!

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        yes she did omg - anything else I'll be quiet about though .3.

        and ngl that was my thought with Pedal at first, too, like "I'm not... seeing the excitement here" - somehow finally watching it as not-gifs made a world of difference

        In any case, I hope you can enjoy all of this stuff /;u;)/

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    ARGH YES! The fact that Almost Human got cancelled and Helix, which is a giant bag of clichey crap, is still going makes my blood boil!

    I can fully recoment Battlestar Galactica! 10/10 series =D

    My advice, though, if you are going to go ahead with it: look for a good viewing order guide. I used this one for the rewatch: and I have to say it enhances the experience greatly, specially with the movie Pegasus, which seen when aired gave me a huge 'why on earth are we revisiting this right now'. Other details are better appreciated in altered order too, but the difference with that movie is amazing.

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      Lol haven't even heard of Helix but just looking at even HALF of the just crap shows that continue to get season after season makes me all kinds of upset about AH /A\
      And yoooo many thanks! I'll def bookmark that for future use! ;v;/

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    I'm so behind on anime omg haha The last one I watched that I enjoyed was Princess Jellyfish. Very cute!

    As for other shows I've been watching, I"ve only really been paying attention to Steven Universe and Cosmos which I just watch online lol
    if I ever do have the TV on, its just the gem show network(s) because I'm a massive loser for that shit

    But yeah, Steven Universe is super cute with nice dabs of surreal. Probs one of my fav cartoons ever * v*
    As for Cosmos (new and old), if you like science education shows ITS REALLY GOOD A+++ 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND

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      Princess Jellyfish was hella cute omg XD
      gahhhhhh I keep forgetting to keep up with Cosmos even though I'm all kinds of interested in it wahhh
      (watched the whole Earth series when it came out way back when and I lovveee everything space so it seems right up my ally)
      thanks so much for reminding me =v=!!
      And one of my friends likes Steven Universe as well so def gotta give that a try someday

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    In terms of anime, all i've been able to put up with lately in terms of new anime is anything sports related. I love basketball and swimming a whole lot, so naturally i gravitated towards Kuroko no basuke and free!, but otherwise, i've only been watching old things like eva/gundam/yu yu hakusho etc
    i feel like my taste in anime is way more shonen than my taste in manga

    I have been /deeply/ in the mood for k-dramas lately though, and it's been awhile since i've last watched one. Have you watched any? I've only really seen You're Beautiful and I am a Flower Too (Which I love dearly, so dearly T c T)

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      oh man I've been really meaning to rewatch YYH and FMA for some reason recently. Just sudden intense need for nostalgia on the anime front. And yooo the boys (and Gou) of Free! are my babies and Makoto is the best husbando yes A++ ahh the only drama I've actually ever seen was a J-drama (and this was years ago)
      but it was a J-Drama adaptation of a josei manga called Kimi wa Petto/Tramps Like Us that I was reading at the time and I really enjoyed it but or some reason didn't jump straight into the "K/J drama" scene right after so now I'm sort of afloat when it comes to what's going on in that arena XD
      but if you rec I am a Flower I'll def check it out ;v;!!

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        yu yu hakusho was da booooomb but i barely remember any of it QuQ And ohh man, nagisa and reeeeiiiii undeniable boyfriends. They're all undeniable boyfriends.

        but oh yeah totally recommend it! But watch it when you have time since the episodes are long nods. And make sure you have a lot of noodles on you in case you really like eating noodles, bc every time they eat in it it's always so yummy looking @u@