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Your gaming habits? by HolyForce

Just something that I think would be a fun topic for conversation! Here's some of mine to start it off:

  1. Immediately forgetting that I saved and save again.
  2. Name all my male MCs "Charlie".
  3. When booting up a new game I always check the options menu first (or just the menu in a RPG).
  4. I always jump on ladders, never walk up to them.
  5. Jumping off high ledges for a shortcut and forgetting I take fall damage.

Your gaming habits?


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  • Link

    1. Can't door or staircase for the life of me, i always get stuck on the wall or doorjam, or worse, behind the door
    2. Make more than one save file, especially if it's right before a boss I enjoy fighting.. leads to tons of saves >>
    3. Save all the time! But immediately regret the ONE time I get lax about it and don't save for a while.
    4. Explore everything and get lost for a long time, only to magically still make it to where I needed to go.
    5. Be a great shot with arced weapons! But suck butt at everything else :V
    • Link

      Dear lord #3, that reminds me of the first time I played Metal Gear Solid. I didn't realize that I haven't saved in a while until Ocelot gave me a lecture in his torture room. So after surviving it I decide to save to see how long ago I'd saved, and it was over 2 HOURS AGO.

  • Link

    -Also terrible at forgetting-- or just ignoring-- fall damage
    -Incredibly nitpicky about sprite aesthetics and will often play as a male character since I often like how male sprites look better
    -I like to walk slow during "dramatic" moments
    -Holding down a button to sprint even if running is automatic
    -I will mentally name all animals I cannot name actually
    -I HATE putting doors or windows on corner blocks in Sims or Minecraft
    -I will buy an excessive amount of potions but avoid using them at all costs and will go out of my way to heal without using them

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      -Also CONSTANT saving, even if I might have already saved but forgot if I did 100%

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      -I will buy an excessive amount of potions but avoid using them at all costs and will go out of my way to heal without using them

      I'm also guilty of this! Especially in the Tales Of games where they take away Grade for every item you use, or in the case of fighting Barbatos, kill you.

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    • I very clearly pick my favorites, in Abyss Anise and Natalia were neglected ; in Eternal Sonata it was Polka and Beat ; in P4 I literally only used Naoto, Kanji, and brosuke (Yukiko for healing during certain fights when my Kohryu was the primary attacker)
    • SAVE 5EVER. In P3 and P4 I save/d literally 1-3 times during each day. In Eternal Sonata I save at every single savepoint I go past (this includes when I backtrack)
    • Screwing up controls between shooters. (Halo / Borderlands 2. It's terrifying to accidentally throw a grenade when trying to fire your gun)
    • I'm sort of an angry gamer so when the character does something dumb or just fails terribly (as with ladders) I yell at them
    • Forgetting to use jump
    • Not using my money (except on weapons)
    • Get lost...always. I can't navigate dungeons to save my life so if it's one of the lazy ones where the map looks the same except for a few differences, I will ALWAYS get lost. FOR SOME REASON I CAN SOLVE DUNGEON PUZZLES JUST FINE THOUGH.
    • If the characters have audio cues I deliberately cut off the audio for characters I don't like
    • Link

      Ugh that reminds me of having to save money to repair the bridge in Abyss, even with extreme penny pinching that cursed thing is hard to pay off!

      • Link

        LOL I think my brother and I skipped the first go round because of money. And then there was in Symphonia. That was a lot easier because money basically rained down with a sephira. /shot

        • Link

          Paying off Yuumanju also became a non-issue in the 360 version of Vesperia once Namcobanda opened up (as well as not having a deadline). They really went out of their way to get rid of that trick in the PS3 version by greatly reducing your max bet (from 500 to 100) and jacking up the price for specifics (20 to THREE FREAKING THOUSAND). Oh mighty sephira grant us the strength to endure money farming!

          • Link

            From what I saw the 360 version was pretty much a kiddy version of Vesperia anyway? idk I was mostly disappointed in not getting Flynn, so Vesperia really wasn't my favorite. I loved Rita's fireballs but Yuri was the only swordsman.

            • Link

              The weird thing is, if you save hack Flynn into your party in the 360 version Flynn has a fully animated (but needs fine tuning) overworld model, a status image (but no titles), and can be nicknamed. Another thing save hacking shows is that there 2 unused costumes in both versions of the game: Estelle's dress from when you first meet her and Rita's Aspio mage uniform (it even has a description), they're also fully functional!

              • Link

                The only thing we hack is my ds's acekard lol

                I thought you actually could get Estelle's dress though? And is Rita's mage uniform different from her seeker costume? I was only big on costumes in Abyss so I didn't keep track of Vesperia's

                • Link

                  Nope, you can't get Estelle's dress period. Yes it's very different from the Seeker costume as shown here.

                  • Link

                    OH. HER HOOD.

                    Ahahah I guess that's what I get for not keeping track of Vesperia's costumes. The only one I cared for as far as Rita's costumes was the Seeker one since my brother has that on her with the devil wings lol