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TOS by Witchiebunny

Terms of Service


The artist will not accept your commission if it contains any of the following:

-Underaged Porn

Unless otherwise specified, all art will be fully digital, with no hard “real world” copy. Finished commissions will be delivered at 800 dpi.


-The artist only accepts payment in USD. Preferred method of payment is Paypal. The paypal account is witchiebunny[at]gmail[dot]com. If the customer is unable to pay via Paypal then a money order will be accepted. Please contact the artist in order to get the details.

-If the customer is commissioning in person then cash will be accepted and is preferred.

-Payment schedules are as follows:

For commissions $20 and below, payment is at the customer’s discretion, whether before or after. Please be advised, however, that any hi-res artwork may be withheld until such time as payment is rendered in full.

For commissions $21 and above, 50% of the price of the commission will be due at the time of commissioning as a down payment, with the rest due before the hi-res version of any artwork is given to the commissioner.

-Please put the username and what the payment is for in the comment section of the paypal transfer.

-Please note: Payment for commissions are for the image itself, and not the copyright to the image. All characters in any commission are copyright their owner/creator, all images are copyright the artist. If you wish to buy the copyright to the image itself, please contact the artist and an arrangement will be worked out.


  • Via email (witchiebunny[at]gmail[dot]com)

-Please be prepared to provide some sort of reference, either written or visual, for the commission. If sending visual links, they may be mature.
-The artist reserves the right to refuse a commission for any reason at any point in the process and a refund will be issued. If the commission is refused and artwork has already been done, then a refund will be issued less the cost of the work already done.

-Please understand that art is not an instant process, and does take time. Every effort will be made to keep all customers up to date on the status of their commission via e-mail. COMMISSION STATUS WILL NOT BE DISCUSSED OUTSIDE OF E-MAIL. THIS INCLUDES LIVESTREAMS, GAMES, PERSONAL IM, ETC.


-Edits will be allowed during the sketching stage through inking stage, with the image shown to you the commissioner at each juncture. Once the inking is complete, only color corrections may be made. Once the image is beyond the inking stage, it may be redrawn once without charge. Thereafter, each time the image is redrawn will be an additional $15-$25 (depending on the complexity of the image).

-A deadline may be requested, and everything possible will be done to honor it. If the deadline can not be honored, then the commissioner will be informed via e-mail. If the decision is made to cancel the commission, the refund policy will apply.

I have read the TOS Clause:

This clause is to ensure the commissioner has read the TOS. No commission will be accepted without the word “TARDIS” included the subject line of the e-mail with the commissioning information. If you attempt to commission the artist without “TARDIS” included, you will be asked to go back and re-read the TOS.

Commissioner’s rights:

-Prints or copies of commissioned artwork may be displayed by the commissioner in their personal gallery, used for icons, or otherwise used in any personal capacity. Any prints or copies of commissioned artwork may not be sold without the expressed written consent of the artist unless the copyright to the artwork itself has been purchased.

  • As any copies or prints of the artwork are the commissioner’s once they have purchased it, edits to the artwork are at the commissioner’s discretion. The artwork may not be given to another party to edit, or otherwise use as their own in either a personal or commercial fashion. If the artwork is to be edited after the commission is complete, please contact me and I will do my best to work with you.

  • A refund may be requested at any time. Please see refund policy below.

Artists’ rights:

-The artist may choose to post any commissioned works to any gallery at my own discretion unless the copyright to said artwork has been purchased.
-The artist may choose to add any commissioned works to a professional portfolio.
-The artist may choose enter commissioned works into art shows or auctions.
-The artist may choose to livestream the commissioned works in progress.
-The artist may choose to sell prints of commissioned works.
-The artist may choose to decline/cancel a commission at any time and issue a refund if applicable.

Progress pictures and streaming:

-Progress pictures will be shown at the end of the sketch and inking stage, with approval required before moving on to the next phase of the commission.

-If the commissioner wish the piece to be livestreamed, then it will not be started without the commissioner in the channel and every effort will be made to complete the commission while they are in the stream.

-With very rare exceptions, commissions will not be completely redone for free. This is, however, on a case by case basis.


  • A refund may be requested by the commissioner at any given time.

-If the commissioned artwork has been started then a partial refund will be given according to the work that has been completed and the customer will receive a digital or mailed copy (if applicable) of what has been completed.

-The artist may cancel a commission and issue a refund (less any work that has been completed) for any reason. The artist is not under obligation to disclose those reasons.

Gifting policy:

-If a commission is intended as a gift for someone else then it is presumed that you already have received permission for their character to be drawn by the artist.

-The artist is not responsible for any ‘drama’ or other issues that may arise if commissioned to draw someone who has not given their permission or is uncomfortable with the commission. It is the commissioners responsibility to gain permission for the commission.

-If your character has been drawn in a commission and you wish it to be taken down, please contact witchiebunny[at]gmail[dot]com to have it removed.

Thank you for reading the Terms of Service. I look forward to working with you!



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