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does anyone else here watch steven universe by Dogmeat

u wanna talk about how cute all the gems are i mEAN WHAT A WICKED AWESOME SHOW IT IS

cause its a hell of a beautiful show fo sho, and if you haven't watched it yet, i highly recommend it at very leeasstt for its visual aspects cause

god fukcing dAyum son

also gem dokis

Edit: do italics not work in journals uhm

does anyone else here watch steven universe


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    I DOOO I have to say, it's the most perfect cartoon I've ever watched, and I have watched a lot of cartoons

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      sAMMME i mean, very few shows are close to perfect but this one is def up there

      like the tone/interactions of the show, the characters, and all the ~~~magic*~*~ goings on it just hooks you?? like wHATS hAPPENING nEXT OHSHit and you just get really invested and


      good show ;;;v;;;

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    (Psssst italics go between single asterisks, bold goes between two)



    And I refuse to believe that Amethyst isn't non-binary

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      OH, THANK U

      ohmygod gARNET, me and my partner were fawning over them SOMUCH at the beginning and its great they have this 'stotic' character thats really not all that stiff but still has their soft side/playful side showing in small bits and i ///////

      precious strong lady ahhh

      oH I KNOW!!! damn son amethyst does w/e amethyst want it is the tru way 2 live

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        garneeeeeeEEEEEEEEEET words to not exist to express my feelings

        I love her design and her personality and the just-barely-there sense of humor and agh god I wanna cuddle her forever

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    The show is seriously adorable in so many ways. I love that the protagonist is a cute little fat kid who finds his power in ice cream sandwiches. There's something so wholesome about the imagery used in the show, and the messages that come from it. It's over-all well-animated and well-written. I really need to get in the habit of watching it more.

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      ohhhhh you should dude! 'u' it gets uh

      it gets intense later on haha

      its got a TON of good messages in the show, like, even though steven's the protag, he doesn't question these wonderful sTRONG women being strong and doing things that're traditionally seen as malecentric (ie, fighting monsters and shit 'n kicking ass) he like, genuinely looks up to them and wants to like GROW UP JUST LIKE THEM. my heart cant take it, he's a young male character done correctly and is just so much his /age/, which you don't see too much of these days.

      this is a really precious show ahh i love it.

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    No we will not talk about your gem waifus. (I don't watch the show, but I should.)

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      dnt tell me what to do, i'll talk about my gemloves 2 my sELF IF I GOTTA (yes you should punches your arm)

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    i live for su tbh

    esp pearl shes my fave

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      gOOD i approve of this, living for su is an acceptable thing 2 do

      gooOHHHsh i know mommapearl is fucking great ahhhhhhh. that last episode though (im just taking a shot if you've seen it or not ;;;;;) just

      man that was fucking

      mY HEARt HURT (i was watching it with my partner too and we just. yeah. it was sure a thing)

      ipickedfavoritesatthebeginning, but idk mannn as of right now i'm just. all of them. all of the babies, need them all in my life holyshit this show is important

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        oH MAN THE LATEST EP was great ahh such good visuals aND THE UTENA SHOUTOUT that was grand, im so glad about that. (and the sanic figure steven had,,, i lost it when i saw it omg)

        but yeah no that ep was really good and i dont wanna sAY SPOILERS FOR OTHER PEOPLE but i,,,, good visuals mmhm

        tbh i adore all the gems like. i say pearls my fave but they all are

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    I do! I love it, but I'm worried that cartoon network has moved its time slot to Wednesday Nights... I don't want it to get hit with the budget cuts and bad scheduling that the amazing world of gumball got.

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      ohhhhyeah i heard it moved timeslots! Sometimes thats done in the hopes that the show gets more viewers?? though it can also screw up the entire thing/mean cuts are happening etc

      unfortunately it seems it'll have to be one of those 'wait and see' type deals it looks like :c