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Tomarrow I drop off my paperwork by Abigail_Lantern

Tomorrow I drop off my app form and sit down and talk more with the lady. My fees will not be processed till Friday so I won't find out if I'm approved for it till next week tho. She seems to be really nice and want to work with me. I'm hoping she will give me a chance. I have no renting history besides what I paid to my gramma every month for the time I was there.

It was all cash so there is no paper trail to prove it so I had a letter typed up saying by her that I paid her every month and signed. Even for my cell and cable I always gave her cash. Since she uses 3 differ bank accounts me and my uncle paid her cash so she can split it up. So I hope she believes me.

I have that letter plus a print out of my credit score. I high lighted the error on my score since its STILL showing up as my card when it wasn't. It says I was delinquent on this BP gas card but this card was not mine! It was my gramma's and she filed for bankruptcy. So I even made a copy of the letter from Transunion saying it would be fixed and removed.

I just wanna make sure I have everything laid out for her. I don't wanna not tell her about the credit thing and when she goes to look and gets surprised and is like um no. So I want to let her know upfront my score and the error that comes up when she checks my credit. I will have my full year of ToysRus stubs upfront and my newer first Petco stub showing I am getting paid. I already told her I work 2 jobs and the 18th will be my first stub for my new job since I started last month.

I just hope to god I don't need a co signer. I understand why they need one for new renters but what happens if the person has noone in their life? What happens if all you have is one person who can? But they can't cause they filed for bankruptcy. So what is someone with noone suppose to do? I will be making 2 times the rent a month so if I'm making enough, why would I still need one?

My grandpa said he would co sign for me but now that he knows I may get approved and move, he doesn't want to anymore. Cause he knows once I get it, I'm gone. So this is screwing me over. If she pushes the co signer I can't live anywhere and be trapped here in my grandpa's house. He is the only person who can co sign for me. Everyone else in my family filed for bankruptcy.

Sometimes I work 14 hours a day and I just want to come home eat and relax. But I just come home back to complaining and nagging. To the point I don't even want to come home. I told my gramma this is what marriage is probably like, you work hard making money all day and came home to the other person bitching at you or being a downer and complaining. That you don't even what to come home and see them.

If I get this place my dream will come true^^ I always wanted my own place to live. I can be naked anytime I want! lol. It has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. A fireplace and my own washer and dryer! Plus a huge ass walk in closet. I hope I get it!

Tomarrow I drop off my paperwork


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    I'll keep my fingers crossed the rental company is sane and lets you get the place, Bixx! Ya' have been working fuckin' hard for this, ya' honestly deserve to get it. =^.^=