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To draw again, again. by Masakuni

Except for a short burst earlier this year, I've been unable or unwilling to practice my drawing skills due to a multitude of reasons. The biggest one is I don't have the time. I'm in college and classes and homework take up a huge chunk of my time, and by the time I get home I'm absolutely too tired to do anything. I heard you're supposed to spend an hour per day practicing art, but I don't know where am I supposed to squeeze that hour in between my studies.

Secondly, drawing is hard. Like, really really hard. Especially if you haven't been drawing regularly for at least six years going on now. I never learned how to properly draw humans, I never did backgrounds on my drawings, and even with the things I knew how to draw, I still have to be eyeballing something to get it as good as I can, and no matter what I do I can't really make it look good. I only drew for over a year, and since then I've been trying to get back in it with no success. I guess I'm not using it, so I must be losing it.

I still want to draw, but right now I wanna do it because I want to create and draw whatever I want. I don't commission art as much as I like, and ref sheets are expensive, and I have so many ideas that I want to put to paper if it weren't for a little thing called ability. But whether it is time, or lack of ability, or not knowing where to start, I don't know if I can do it alone.

There are tutorials, sure, but I don't know which ones cover the very basics of achieving that goal.

If I were to draw digitally again, once I can afford Photoshop or Sai Tools, I would also need someone to help me guide through the process. My early attempts at using Photoshop or the GIMP program were...rather pedestrian, to say the least. You can probably thumb through the depths of my gallery to see the disastrous results.

Basically, I want to learn how to draw what I want, and maybe one day get good enough to draw what I want, and get back the feeling I used to get when I created something, and maybe even get it good enough one day that I'll be ready for commissions, and all that stuff. I just wonder...where do I start? Where am I going to get the time? How is someone who's going to college who's not going into it for art find the time to draw?

To draw again, again.


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