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I forgot to share this by Nambroth

Oops! I just realized... I forgot to share this!

I created a Patreon account a while ago. I know some folks aren't super fond of the idea, and that's okay. I can understand that; actually talking about it makes me feel nervous as if I am promoting myself too hard. I think this is a thing a lot of artists that are insecure with themselves feel? Anyhow, a bunch of very kind folks have encouraged me and ... while it still makes me feel slightly nervous, I must admit that it already HAS helped me set aside more time than I normally could, in order to make personal art. The giant chicken in the ocean ("Thunderous Tides") that I posted most recently came about because of this! So I suppose I am warming up to it. I love making things that I want to make, and I love making things that people seem to enjoy!

Anyhow, if you are at all interested in this, here's the link:

Even if you hate the idea, or simply can't take part (goodness knows I understand!!) please know that I value you all very much regardless of Patreon. All of the favorites, comments, watches, and even just your eyeballs sliding across my work means SO very much to me! I truly would not be able to do what I do without the online community. Thank you so much!!

I forgot to share this


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  • Link

    Whoo I love Patreon! It's a great way to give a little to people I couldn't normally commission for being broke. X3 I'm glad you have one as I've always been fond of your beautiful art! Thanks!

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      Thank you so very much!! :)

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    I personally love Patreon specifically BECAUSE it gives creators more incentive to create (I've got a campaign running, myself). And nuts to the complainers. If they feel the need to boo-hoo because a creator might actually want to earn a little bit with the work they share with everyone, they aren't people you'd want as supporters, anyway.

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    I've never heard of Patreon, why do people hate it?

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      Sorry if my comment was misleading! I don't know if people hate it. I have just seen a few folks with a distaste for it.

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    That's an awesome idea! Don't feel bad about promoting your work, it's hard getting to make money doing what you love with art, and every little bit helps. I'll see if I can help you on Patreon soon!

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      Aw, thank you! If you can't, I appreciate your support anyhow! Truly it means a lot to me. :)

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        Okay I did, I just had to! I know $8 isn't much but I hope it's something!

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          Thank you so much, it surely is!! :)

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    So glad to hear this has been of such assistance to you! I'm glad to be able to contribute in some small way towards your continuing to make work, even if I don't necessarily have any more space for physical art on the walls :)

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      I am so thankful, very much so!