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Unrequited trades, unpaid commissions. by BlueNire

My fellow artists.

Don't be like me.

Have your commissioners pay up front, or pay to see completed stages of work.

If someone wants to trade with you, it's the responsibility of the initiator to produce their part first.

Don't be like me.

I have 6 unrequited trades and 3 unpaid commissions.
Some of these projects are up to 2 years old.
I don't expect to see, or get anything anymore.

I've been really dumb and naive. It's really taken me this long to realize that people will use and abuse you, no matter how nice you are. Maybe people will do it to you, especially if you're nice. I don't know....

So stay safe-still be nice-but be professional.

Don't let people use you, no matter how much you think you know them, or how "nice" and "forgiving" you want to be as a person.

Don't be like me.
Stand up for yourself.
Your work is worth it.

Unrequited trades, unpaid commissions.


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    I'm sorry you got scammed but I'm glad you're finally able to recognize this. I've ALWAYS required payment up front, or work via payment plan. It's worked so far and I haven't gotten screwed yet!

    Trades on the other hand...are a little harder. A lot of people have the "don't do mine until I do yours or else I'll forget" which is great of them....but if both parties have that problem, someone's gotta go first and it's usually me. And then they forget. :/

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      It's alright it's just...............sad that it's taken me this long. Y'know?

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        Hey, better late than never, right?

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          TRUE! Fair enough!

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    I'm sorry about that. I almost always do a routine like, you get the commissioner and you show them a super basic bare-bones sketch, then you get paid in complete before you start working on it. Or you can do half and half, post a small lower quality image when you get paid the first half and then when they send the rest of the money you send them the higher quality stuff. It seems to work out- also invoicing through paypal is super handy.

    I don't do trades unless I trust the person and I'm friends with them, because then I know what their work habits are like and I'm not super bothered if they don't get around to it, either.

    Hope you have better luck though. :c

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      Thank you thank you! That sounds like a very good idea (with the low rez thingies!)!! Also, Paypal invoicing also sounds good!
      I'm just...It just took a really long time for me to "get it". XD Which I'm not proud of but, at least I'm growing! HA!
      Thank you for reading and replying!

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      I have a system for payment plans. Basically we work out the total price of the final product, then divide it into stages (usually sketch, lineart, flats, shading, but more if necessary). Customer pays the first installment, I do the sketch. They pay the second installment, I do the lines, etc etc. I've only had to use it once so far but it worked out quite well!

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    :brohug of eager trader who got happily swindled more than once:

    Yes, this is very good advice. Specially the getting paid upfront or half now/ half to handle the final work.

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      Thank you for the reply and reading!! :D <3

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    That is so unfortunate to say. I had a few people take off in a trade, but the last straw was from those who I thought were my friends. I think that prepared me for taking payment upfront in commissions so I guess it's not all bad. Lesson learned I guess.

    I'm sorry you were taken advantage of like that ): I really like the idea of having the initiator do their half first though - I could use that when I get notes asking for trades haha (I'm sure it'd weed out the scammers anyways).

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      Thank you for reading!! I hate the thought that I even have to work this way, but...Like you, I'd consider a good 80% of those trades and commissions were from people I had talked to very often over the years so...I didn't think anything of it. :(

      So's taken me a really really long time to come to this, but I wanted to tell others, and warn them about this kinda thing because it does happen...

      :) Thank yoooou again for reading and replying!! :D

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    This is why I'm listed as closed for everything. Hell I've even had "friends" I paid for commissions and not received art from. But they aren't my friends anymore lol.

    I feel your pain but for me, I'm not spending a cent on the fandom again. I've got more important things to pay for and the expendable income I used to have isn't there anymore haha

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      I TOTALLY understand. -brofist-

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    As someone who's paid for multiple commissions and am still waiting on them years later, and as an initiator of an accepted trade that has many trades still owed me, I've found that it's best to just not commission or trade if you wanna get other people to hold up their end. And taking money up front for commissions for me makes me feel very pressured and it actually gives me art block, and then I feel like shit because I have money and I don't know if my art will ever come around for me, so I only take very small commissions($5-$10) so that I can take the money after I finish them. I've never had anyone flake on them, but I wouldn't be heartbroken about $5-$10. For bigger things, I put nice big ugly watermarks all over things when I send them to clients until the money hits my paypal. And you really have to make them big, ugly watermarks too. Nothing able to be cropped out or mixed in.

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      I totally understand!! Although, everyone I've commissioned (I throw money at them upfront) has been awesome about getting work to me, as an artist, I TOTALLY understand the feeling of "sitting on money" being very ...stressful? Pressured? That's actually why I DIDN'T charge up front...but after being taken advantage of because of this I realize that, if I DO want to get paid the only way to make sure is to have people pay up front (for commissions) and/or pay for stages that have already been completed.

      I think the watermark idea is also fantastic and could see that working! (Although, one of my former followers showed me blatantly how easily it was to remove a water mark-which was freaky and eyeopening.)

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    I think most artists go through this at first. I did, too. It is a good feeling to finally figure out the better way to do these things, but even better when you share what you learned, like you did here! So, good! Don't be like your past self and you should do a lot better~ I want to smack my younger self. xD;;

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      Hahaaha yes! Even though this is a rather....negative journal it's also about growth and learning! SO! I'm happy that I finally learned this lesson! :)

      Also yes, I'd like to smack my former self too hahaha

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    Your work is beautiful and you definitely deserve compensation for it, whether that's a trade or a commission. It can be hard to stick up for yourself, especially if you feel like you're a bother. I can totally be the same way, haha. c:

    I have a good friend Houndbound here on Weasyl that runs secret-santa type themed art exchanges. She's been too busy with work IRL lately to run one I think, but when she hosts it there's a guarantee that if your artist either can't or doesn't submit, they get blacklisted from the next round until the piece is finished and an artist volunteers to make sure you're compensated for your time and effort. c: Usually there's a summer exchange, maybe if she doesn't do it I'll give it a try.

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      Oh wow ::squirms:: thank you, you are too kind!! eeee! thank you thank you!
      I...I find sticking up for myself is the hardest thing for me to do for some reason! ( I can stick up for others's weird I can't explain it!)

      I've always wanted to try a secret-santa thing! Sounds like Houndbound is just awesome and I'm happy that they have that system in place-that's really wonderful!
      I can only imagine trying to run such a thing would be extremely difficult-but would be very rewarding if everything goes well!

      I wish you luck if you do decide to partake in such a thing!

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    This kind of swings both ways. If I was to ever commence a trade, my terms would essentially be, I'll only work as fast as the other person. Of course, this would fly hand in hand with the fact trades would only be with close friends or such.

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      oh absolutely, I think that's a good idea too!

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    i'm waiting on a trade for roughly 4 isn months or more now from a friend of mine and my half was completed like that night :/ i've asked her about it once and she gave me th ei've been really busy spiel which she has but then i see her taking new trades and ignoring mine and its just kinda like ummm wtf.