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Summer Badges Waiting List by ElrondDrakendil

We're getting into convention season, it seems, and I've been hearing some noise about people wanting badges from me. Which is great! I'm always delighted, and rather honored, when people ask me to make such an important piece of art for them (because badges are important!)

Now, unfortunately, I can't take on badge orders right this second. HOWEVER, I do plan on opening for badge orders in late May/Early June (in time for all you AC-goers to order your badges in time for Pittsburgh). So with that in mind I am opening up the Summer Badges waiting list! Simply note me, email me ( gorondie[at]gmail[dot]com ) or leave a comment on this journal.

Please let me know what sort of badge you'd like, and how you'd like to be contacted (private note/email). You don't have to provide references or anything, and if you're not sure what type of badge you want, that's okay too. This isn't a binding contract or anything. Being on the waiting list doesn't mean you HAVE to buy a badge from me—it just means I'll let you know as soon as I'm accepting orders. Whether you want to order one at that time is up to you.

You can find a list of my flat rate badges over on my main page, under "Commission Info", but for the tl;dr crowd, here's the basics:

Simple, Gazing badges are $25
Pony Badges are $35
Standard Badges are $50

And if you want something different (extra big, double-sided, etc.) contact me with specifics and I'll whip you up a quote.

You can also add lamination for an extra $6 (I work with sssage to bring you super-good lamination).

I am also obligated to charge an 8% CA sales tax. :P

Shipping is $5 Domestic, $10 international. Pick up at AC is, of course, free.

Payments will be done with PayPal, please.

Waiting list will be open until May 15. HAVE AT IT!

(If you leave a public comment, please let me know how I should contact you. If you'd like to be noted privately, say so, but I prefer to communicate via email. In which case you should note me with your email, or email me directly at gorondie[at]gmail[dot]com )


Summer Badges Waiting List


Journal Information
