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hmm.. questions? by Vera

Any questions really, doesn't have to be tmi. Anything you might be curious about relating to me, my art, etc, I'll try to answer :3 I don't do this much, but don't expect super interesting answers haha. -boring-

hmm.. questions?


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    hello vera , sazuki am a big fan of yours since 2012 actually it's been a long time , his art inspires me to this day , only the halloween theme and psychedelic
    and hope you perdado me big misunderstanding before, on xynux

    in short, what I wanted to know about you ? I do not want to offend you....
    or anything , but you are autistic or not ? Please only ask out of curiosity

    • i am autistic on real life, i have syndrome aspeger * I've shown her art for my friends and family in real life and the other day my mom asked me if you were autistic , because by their fascinations for eyes and psychedelic clowns.... and everything is colorful and cute and another thing I wanted to know from you You like super mario bros ? Tried whatever create your character Vera in anthro version of koopa plush as you do in his drawings of Vera as feral ? and another you likes the game Banjo Tooie 64 ? N64 there is a phase circus, and I have the songs of this phase and she reminds me too much of you and your evil clowns I think you're really cool and creative person ! what I most wanted to be your friend is just that and also wanted to know what you think of my art I 'm 21 years old , my name is Fernanda and I 'm from Brazil
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      I am not autistic myself, but I have close friends with asperger's and we have many things in common :) I am just very introverted and since childhood have preferred the company of imaginary friends to real people, not because I don't like people (I love them), but it's hard for me to get along with them for various other reasons. It seems that creativity comes with being introverted for a lot of people and I have made many worlds in my head filled with eyeballs, slime, clowns and various whimsical oddities :)

      I love a lot of the older video games, Super Mario for sure! A Koopa plush Vera? That would look interesting! :) I never played Banjo Tooie, but it has many interesting characters. I will have to listen to those songs!

      I love your art, I try to follow all your accounts :) I'm sorry for not being able to do art trades, I am very very slow with art and need to spend my time on commissions to pay my bills, but I do love the detail and style of your art very much! :) My real name is Bethany.

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    I'm pretty boring too, which is why I sat here for an hour trying to think of something to ask and all I could think was 'how are you today?' And other such small talk. x.x But I do have a question. How did you realize you liked plushie creatures and the like?

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      Today started out rough, but got better. I've had a lot of anxiety and breakdowns lately. I'm a happy person for the most part, being a Cancer just sucks sometimes haha. I got really into the idea of sentient plushies/toys from one of my favorite musicals, Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure. It really hits a lot of deep personal feels for me that are hard to explain, but I just love the symbolism and whimsy that comes with the idea of toys and their little lives. I also fell in love with the Neopets style of giving plushies such vivid colors and lots of patches! I collect plushie petpets 8D

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    On a scale of 1-10, what's your favorite color of the alphabet?

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      peach, because peach is 7! I associate the numbers 1-9 with certain colors, not sure why. I think in Kindergarten there was a big poster of numbers and each one had its own color and pattern so it stuck with me. I don't remember them all, but I think 3 was yellow and 9 was blue.

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        I did not expect a legitimate answer to that. My result of blowing your mind has backfired and my own brain has exploded on itself as a result.

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    How much does vore remain an interest of yours? I think the first picture of yours I ever saw was an early Vera stalking up a tree looking pretty predatorial, and I've enjoyed your work ever since. It seems like in the last year themes like that have been popping up in your gallery. Is it something that's an occasional interest for you, or something you like more frequently than you want to include it in your art?

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      It's still something I love, though I don't get to draw it much lately. Since childhood (wow I have a lot of childhood-related answers, but that's me... big child, haven't changed much XD), I've been petrified by monstrous mouths eating me, but later in life it transitioned into a fascination/fetish. I like all kinds of vore but only certain specific types really heavily interest me. I definitely think about it a lot more than I get to draw it XD

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        What types interest you so? Because I have been meaning to get something vore-ish from you and have just been slacking... :D

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          My fave things about vore are gory/rip 'n tear, monstrous preds, maws, the whole concept of a voracious creature and the idea of a squirmy thing going down the throat... as well as the idea of being the prey and experiencing all those sensations of being in there. Then there's the more "PG" plushie vore, which enthralls me and makes me feel warm and cozy to think about. Warm fabric smells, soft textures, a stitched-together plushie stomach slowly pulsing as the plush creature breathes magically with plushie lungs made of stretchy fabric.. so mystical ~u~ I love just about everything about it, but I'm a wimp and am not too heavily into digestion and definitely not into what happens after that. D: Not for meeeeee thanks XD

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    You like eyes a bit. Are human-type eyes your favorite? Do you like eyes with weird pupils, like octopus or goat eyes?

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      I like eyes that are round. :B Which is basically all of them lol. SINCE CHILLDHOOD (YES AGAIN) I've had an obsession with spherical things. I had a shoebox filled with bouncy balls, halloween-y plastic eyes, and the parts off other toys that happened to be perfectly round and I'd just love to roll them around in my hands. XD I collect them as well (as you can see here in this super-outdated photo, I have tons more now: ), and I just love how they all look together ;u; I can't explain it but they've definitely been an obsession for a very long time. <3

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    Please tell me more about your love for slimy things. I have the same affinity and was just curious about how you realized it had a significance to you and to what degree that significance is. Also, I am happy to share recipes with you if you are interested in actual slime mixing/playing.

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      My slime adoration began with Ghostbusters, I believe. At least that's the furthest back I can remember wanting to play in it! I've bought slime from several times now and it's never disappointing. It stretches forever without breaking and it's organic so it doesn't have that weird chemical-y smell that some factory-made slimes have. The only time I've tried to make it was with the borax/clear glue method but it wasn't nearly the same. It's practically spiritual to play in the stuff to me ;u; I always dye the bodyslime green, too since it usually mixes to become a creamy white/semi-transparent shade and colors are always more fun x3 I love seeing slimy monster mouths in movies as well, I wanna touch warm, slimy monster teeth and have it ooze on me #-o-#

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    Vera! You've been a long time inspiration of mine. :3 I can't think of anything fun to ask but I wanted to take a sec to thank you for watching me ; ; It means so much to me ;u;

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    I know that this is a bit late, but I've always wanted to ask you this:
    Outta all the Langurahli that you make, besides Vera, which are your top favorites?