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Life Update by athdaraxen

I would like to say if you ever wanted to commission me now is a great time. Art not only brings me funds so that I can live and eat but it is a great stress reliever. If you aren't interested then a journal would be awesome.

This has not been a fun month for me. X3
/begin story
Ok so first things first, I'm moving at the end of the month. Due to my only working two days out of the week and not being able to get another job I'm being forced to move to where the jobs are, North Georgia. Both me and my mate are heading north, I'm going to Dalton while he is heading to Athens. We will eventually both be in Athens but for the time being I've gotten a full time job in Dalton that I'll be working at for a few months to make some of my saving back.

The only reason it has come to this was me and my mate's new boss. Before FWA she told my mate, yes you can use your vacation time over spring break, no problem. We'll after we get back she tells us that not only did she forgot to give him his vacation pay, she wouldn't give it to him anyways because the store was closed! If it was sick pay I could totally get that but not for vacation days! So because of this we barely had enough combined to pay our rent for this month. I don't get many commissions so while I appreciate every one they don't help much. (Which by the way I am very much open) We can't keep living like this so we are leaving.

I hate to be apart from him for who knows how many months but we have to if we want to stop living off $700 a month combined. (rent is $515) Heck with just the job I'm going to in Dalton I make over that in a month.

Anyways sorry for the rant but I needed to get this off my chest. I'll probably delete this later.

Life Update


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    Aww, I'm sorry to hear you've been having a hard time ;.=.; I hope this new arrangement works out well for you! Best of luck~ I'll send you all my good dragon juju <3

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      Thanks Morpho. I hope it will too. We just need money and dang it if it isn't hard to get. X3
      I forgot to mention we just put $600 into the car as well.

      Whoooooooo good dragon juju!