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Playstaion 4 - I gots one by QTMelon

Hello All,

Been a while, which is due to work still taking up a lot of my time. I am gearing up for art and creating that long delayed art archive package if people still want. I am still having some issues with using my Cintiq and adapter but they're mostly resolved now. I will probably get a newer laptop later down the year so I can transition back and forth with my Cintiq and Laptop with a bit more ease. It's not really so much a Cintiq issue as it is that my laptop doesn't have HDMI and I got an adapter.

Well this is also about the title. I recently got a PS4 so if any other people would like to play with me on some games (I mostly play adventure and I have to admit I pretty much avoid FPS games) you can add me to your PSN - o0-NV_QT-0o I also have my PS3 still but there's a glitch with PSN not showing me online when I'm on the PS4 for PS3 players.

Hopefully I will be posting art again soon. Just trying to still work out some issues with work so I'm not overly tired.

Playstaion 4 - I gots one


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  • Link

    Oh Yay! A new friend to add on my PS4. <3

  • Link

    Very cool! What kind of games do you like? I've mostly been playing Dark souls 2 on my PS3 lately.

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      I like sandbox adventure games. I'm currently mooching the Final Fantasy Realm Reborn free beta on PS4. I am not into playing MMOs too much because I get annoyed with all the stuff on the screen. I also like Dragon's Crown or funnier games like Saint's Row. I should be getting the next Infamous soon.

      • Link

        Saints row is fun as heck. :D

        • Link

          Yes it is! I'm more co-op multiplayer than competitive. Plus I have a sensitivity to motion sickness so FPS tend to make me a bit ill.

          • Link

            Yeah, same, not a big fan of competitive! I've heard that a lot with people and FPS games, I wonder why it's FPS that does it and not third person, though?

            • Link

              Because your body is confused when the camera is making it look like you're moving but you're sitting still. You have to sit further back so that you can still see your room so your body stops getting confused.

              • Link

                Ahhh, so like, being able to see your avatar helps mitigate that?

                • Link

                  Yes, because you're not fooled into thinking you're moving. Sometimes you can still get motion sickness if you're sitting up close, but First Person View I think makes it worse since it's supposed to be "you"

                  • Link

                    Yeah, I can understand that, I sort of get the reverse when I read or use a computer in a car, my body's moving but my eyes are focussed on a still image, which makes me hell of queasy, I hate it. How are you enjoying the PS4 so far, anyway? If they go fowards with that backwards compatibility stuff I heard about, i'd definitely get one, but for now, I can't really justify a new console. :P

                    • Link

                      I've been enjoying it quite a bit even with the setbacks. It's nice to see that Sony was willing to do cross play with PC players so you can find friends on Final Fantasy Realm Reborn who play PC or PS3.

                      I was playing with a co worker and it was a lot easier since we both had PS4s and were doing party chat instead of having to type.

                      • Link

                        Oh rad! I wish more stuff would have cross-platform play. It's annoying how a lot of my friends have Xbox 360s and I have a PS3, so we can't play together when we have the same games. :(

                        • Link

                          yes sadly that will never happen of microsofts tight grip and attitude on theri services, for if they would it be allot easier to play multi platform games with friends that has another console.

  • Link

    ok ill take a look what you have a interest in and se what we can play :P

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      No problem. I am mostly going to do online multiplayer on PS4 but I have downloaded Borderlands 2 since someone made a request to play that

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      If you get a Realm Reborn btw, since we already talked about Dead Nation, I'm on the US server Cactaur.