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Downhill computer drop by Altallo

My old computer which I have used for about 3 years has gone. Its now in complete black screen and won't respond properly. Despite some attempts to fix it, it was clear that the computer was a pretty much dead :o

That being said I do have a new computer now...but I still feel a bit sad for the old one. It was noisy and it grew too warm, but it
was a good computer and it has my story files on it D: (don't worry, I'm in the process of moving them)

I know this may be a bit silly to ask from anyone reading this, but is it ok if someone could provide a pick-me-up, something to try and cheer me up? (as long as its not gruesome or dark). Only if you want to, but if you do, I'd greatly appreciate it :)

P.S any spelling mistakes are a result of me typing with a new keyboard with smaller buttons--still getting used to it

Downhill computer drop


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    When somebody else needed a pick-me-up I sent them this, and I hope you like it too!


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      :) that was a great uplift for me :) Thanks Ween :D

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        My pleasure!

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    I remember when my first laptop died sadest day ever i went a long while without a computer it was hard so i know your Pain

    but life will be filled with stuff like that so you have to have hope and move forward to the future your old computer will always still be alive in your memories but in time you'll love this computer as well nothing lasts forever even the pain you feel


    it'll get better in time and if you want to talk about it i

    (being the loyal firend i always am)

    am here to talk to i'm simply a click away

    i hope this helped ^^

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      well I like this new computer, but I feel a bit sad still :o doesn't help either that my brother is treating me like a punching bag (though he treats nearly everyone horribly--snapping his fingers at people instead of using his mouth to talk) and I feel like a beaten up thing sinking to the ground :(

      thank you though for your kind words :) You're a great friend :)