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Musings, volume 1 by AppleGravy

How detached I feel, from the world and all of its complications. How detached I feel, from my friends, from my family, from my loved ones. How detached I feel from myself, a shell drifting through this world with nothing more than my thoughts as company. Loneliness seems to be my only faithful companion, faltering only when his role is being taken by another, but always waiting, always watching. Why must he be villainized, this mirror into our lives, our very selves? He who keeps watch over us, who forces us to come face to face with our nightmares, our fears... I should appreciate the loneliness while I have it, for solace in solitude is a rare thing to have these days. I don't know where I was planning to go with this, but I am always right here.

Musings, volume 1


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    Even when you have everything, loneliness is always nearby. I haven't had solace in solitude for quite some time, but if you've managed it, definitely appreciate the feeling.

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      Holy crap, someone commented on this! I feel so loved.
      It's almost rare that I feel solace, but I think that making the conscious effort to taking in the loneliness and making it something better might help. Appreciating time and all that.

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        I'm a habitual journal browser. :) Hm. I think that's accurate if the solitude occurs in pockets of a busy life, certainly. You appreciate the slowing down of time, instead of just blinking and realizing that you've seemingly warped light speed into next week, next month, next year.. etc. Solitude can be a powerful tool of introspection and self-healing, but most don't understand how to wield it. I still don't entirely, despite much intimate time with the sentiment.

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          I will definitely admit that introspection's difficult when you're primarily a creature of impulse, as I tend to be, heh. But is it possible to fully understand how to 'properly' utilize solitude? even the creator of something will not see all possible contingencies for their creation, as necessity breeds ingenuity. The "life hacks" that have permeated the internet are a beautiful example of this- everyday objects given new life as a tool for a specific job, just as we as observers of a concept cannot always comprehend its true nature or utility. And the primary differentiation between loneliness and solitude is, in fact, the reason you are in your own company. Will you choose to make the best of the time and appreciate or face the things that have been following you all this time, or will you succumb to them?

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            Probably not, nah. We can do things well without doing them perfectly, though! The latter is a question we all face, and only time will tell. I feel like I see a lot of people succumb daily to their loneliness, and it's tough to watch because I know that feeling. I know that I've also succumbed at some points, but also figured out way to vastly better myself during those periods, somehow turning them into solitude from that loneliness. We're such social creatures, despite how much we idolize being rugged and independent. It's tough to face the world alone, but it's something we all have to do, some more than others.