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Falklands VS Crimea- this needs clearing up by Deviantmarshal

This is something that has been said a few times and people here have been attacked (if not strongly questioned) about it.

There IS a H-U-G-E difference between the Falklands reffurendum and the Crimean one.

  • The Falklands one was planned 9-10 months in advance, Crimean one was done in less than a week, at gun-point I might add.
  • The Falklands one was adjudicated and monitered by a HUGE international team for complience with international law, Crimea was shut off to any and all outsiders, including monitors meaning there's no international verification anything they claim is true.
  • There is NO double standard, the Falklands one was done under our own steam, by our own will and by the people of the Islands, Crimea was invaded! Pure and Simple! Wouldn't you blindly obey an invader if they were holding a loaded AK74 and accompanied by about 4000+ others like them?

So lets just set this straight. Any calls of double standards is just wrong. Its another situation where there's no proof, no verification and no willingness to discuss, its an outright despirate accusation by an increasingly despirate government realising its time is rapidly running out.

On the positive side, he who has to blow hiw own trumpet the loudest is obviously the most tone-deff. Argentina shouting about us so much has done wonders for our publicity, which is not what they want, but is in fact what is happening! #epicfail

Ok, cleared I see it is, enjoy. X3

Falklands VS Crimea- this needs clearing up


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    Cristina Kirchner won't stop banging on about the Falklands... it's because she's got elections coming up and she desperately and pathetically wants to try and distract Argentinians away from the country's real problems!

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      I'm well aware. x3
      But there's jack sh*t to gain from going on about it OR actually having sogreignty! The moment it happens (GODGODGOD forbid) what then? They'll never settle the islands because there's no cash to do so and there might not even be any oil! At the end of the day it just shouldn't happen.

      But yeah, as I know it CFK isn't getting back into power, no matter how hard she tries.