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Update: Another cancelled stream by LudoCrow

Edit: Welp, seems like there was more than I expected to deal with today as well >.<

Consider the stream cancelled at least for today. Between dealing with issues regarding managing the Picarto account(as well as technical issues, particularly a nasty reccuring memory leak, with streaming in general) and stuff at home I fear I don't have the time to host another stream today.

You have all my apologies.

This, I'm currently hesitating between whether trying to start a "full-time" schedule again for livestream next week to try and get a proper art focus back, or if instead if would be better if I went with a more limited schedule that could be easier to handle and schedule, leave more room to work on offline works(a couple of which I now need to upload) around as well as making it easier to "keep peace at home" in a fashion after some rocky weeks there as well.
Though I must admit, with the technical issues forcing me to reboot once or twice every streams because of a memory leak, I'm starting to lean toward the "less streams" end of thing.

I'm starting to feel like March will be a month I'll be very glad to see over like February.

Anyway, like said, except more upload of currently completed offline commissions and, hopefully, perhaps a more defined schedule for my online streams next week.

Update: Another cancelled stream


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    Hope you get things resolved!