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"So you've decided to talk to an artist." by betsy

I seriously can't express how important this artist/client courtesy list is.

"So you've decided to talk to an artist."


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    I've actually commissioned an artist with the phrase "shut up and take my money" but I actually had the money in hand lol.

    That post is so spot on though, it's sad how much of it is common sense for social behavior but needs to be spelled out for people. I have seen artists make posts "would you purchase this type of art" and I usually will tell them if I would just to help them gauge what may or may not sell, though I think that's kind of what they want to know more-so asking for people to buy something right then and there.

    "This looks like so-and-so's style" comments make me angry like a rabid dog lol.

    P.s. I will forever tell artists to always draw birds all the time because I think everyone should forever draw birds, even if it's obviously impossible but you know. I girl can dream of a world where everything is just all birds all the time.

    /end psychobabble

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        -I think it makes your thought look better and stand out more :D-

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          So emphatic! :D

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        Bugged in case this is not supposed to happen.

        Please speak up on the forums or create Redmine bugs if you find other issues, as it's the best way for us to learn about them - blind luck that I saw this. Thanks! :)

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          I didn't even think if might be a bug and to report it, thank you.

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            Weasyl's lickity split with user issues, even if you didn't ask for the help haha Love this place

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              I know, I love it so much too, I ask a question and they're so quick to respond. When I made my conbadge community I accidentally screwed up the email address and they replied and got me into the account in under an hour.

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          Skyler on patrol! :B

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      Agreed with all! Also yes on birds! Always draw more burddds! Also the comparison to other artists' style was a compliment....when I was 19 and new that I'm aiming to be my own person it's alittle disheartening to hear constantly that my art or characters look like someone else's creation. Also the ability to emulate a certain style bites me in the butt too because I get asked often enough to draw in another style that I wonder if anyone even knows how I draw lol

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        I never understood "draw in this style" if I wanted something drawn in a specific artists style I'd commission -that- artist. I love your style, it's awesome you can mimic other styles (I sure as hell can't lol) but man, your own original style is was drew me to your art.

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          Well, I bet Don Bluth may be hard to commission haha, but still. Being able to emulate a certain studio is hard but damn good for marketing :P I don't mind emulating, in fact it's flattering folks trust that I can pull it off, I'm like "Wow really? I'm game if you are." Lol.

          But can I just.... thank you for complimenting my art. The kind that I drew with zero direct source material to back me up. I honestly love my style and wish to branch out more with it. My influences are pretty obvious but the way Betsy draws and the way Glen Keene draws.... there really is a big difference, I know because I've drawn like both people atleast once :P

          Now I'm rambling. This honestly illustrates well what happens when my authentic art is complimented

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      Better be careful, I once did that joke and almost got booted from a stream for "Not reading a journal" some rule saying you cannot ask for a picture. All because of Scotskunk, thought I was a scrounger or something? There is a person with real problems.

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    Dewly noted.

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    As an artist, I can certainly understand a lot of this.
    But I still believe that some artists need to pull their heads from their fundaments as well.
    Certainly a situation where both sides need work. I suppose that is called humanity. heheh

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      Haha oh agreed! Artists need to understand that they aren't a piece of meat or a robot and don't have to be treated that way. Same with clients ;) Just respect eachother's boundaries, don't be passive aggressive, don't be nosey, don't be a scrounger, and furthermore be civil and flexible on both ends of the fence. Happy transactions and art appreciation for all!

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    Don’t comment on a piece telling the artist how much it reminds you of some other artist’s work or other character.

    I'm guilty of this… <_< v.v

    Do express your love for your favorite character or fandom, just remember that you may be the only one who shares the love.

    I'm proabably also guilty of doing this wrong…I always feel like a lonely sack of sh!t when I mention something I like/think is cool in a stream chat (any stream chat) and either nobody seems to care/respond or I actively get resistance. :<

    Sorry if this comment seems immature…I just get tense when I look at these "Dos and Don'ts"-type posts, as I tend to take them as absolute rules that one must follow without exception, rather than simply advice. I know it's silly, but… :/

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    The article was right for the most part. Artists are conducting a business, so treat it as though it was a business deal. You wouldn't walk up to the CEO of a major corporation and beg them for free stuff or tell them what they should make next. You would be kind and respectful to them (I hope).

    I do feel hurt if someone says that my prices are too high when it is set at the bottom dollar for an unknown artist. It makes me feel as though my art is so awful that it's not even worth $5. Sometimes people are so detached on the internet that they forget that there is a real person on the other end that they are speaking to. Please think about what you say and how it will be conveyed by that person. It will benefit everyone.

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    One of the greatest artistic posts yet. <:D