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Hm. by wendigoflesh

I guess this is an Excuse For Not Doing Owed Art Within 24 Hours journal.

Not been feeling too motivated to do anything with personal projects that I feel are now pretty pointless/uninteresting/worthless/insertnegativedescriptionhere so it's slowed down my motivation in general a ton. I don't feel any enthusiasm for much of my own stuff now that it's got to a point where I'm questioning where I'm going with anything.

I'm still etching away at owed art. If I post stuff that isn't owed art, I haven't forgotten the art I owe. Just trying to get back into the swing of things.

I will probably be less social. Not that I've been that social in the past. Iunno. I don't want to call a hiatus because I'll probably still be posting, so I guess this is just a 'forgive me for being slow with owed art' type deal.



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    I know that feeling - feeling like crap, feeling everything you draw is crap and thinking that this "crap" is not good enough for people you want to do art for and drawing something personal instead to pick yourself up with no risk of ruining anything. Nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't become extreme (I've seen someone go for months like that).

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      Aha it's been
      probably a couple of months of feeling like this.
      I can't remember a time where I was really happy about my personal projects and willing to share things about them.

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        Aw man. I wish I could help but we all have to find our own ways of dealing with this. :C

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    Dude but I dig your stuff - I know this ain't enough to feel amazing, but I hope it will make you smile a little? :c
    I always feel my pics are crap, especially recently, and I guess tumblr is kinda depressing me, too.
    I have a million comics ideas, a millions characters but I hate myself so much I don't post anything. lol i'm abandonning my personnal project, and then i'm coming back to it, and then abandonning. I'm trying to get better, so I guess it takes time, and you don't get a lot of views when you're trying to be yourself and get better in art.
    I guess things could be worse, tho, that's what keep me going.

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      ajkg thanks ;;
      MAn I know that feeling I'm hopping between projects so badly. I think most of my thing is ''IM NEVER GOING TO FINISH A NOVEL/COMIC EVER WHATS THE POINT IN ANY OF THIS'' as if I can predict the future haha. (also psshhss holds your art gently i love your style never stop )
      Yeah, thinking about it things could be worse. It's kinda hard to not just ''no everything is bad'' instead of ''ok im feeling bad but it /could be worse than this im doing ok/''. trying to focus on the bright side recently tho.

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        Ha, totally :\
        I have a friend who wants to make his own comic company and he's workign so HARD ON THIS i'm always "don't worry i'll join in and help you" (he needs a lot of comics artists to join his project) but I'm always.. "but.. wait, my stuff are shitty, besides I never finish them" it's so fukken hard to make a story, it's way more easier to draw 1098098 times your characters GOSH.
        But man, we will do it WE WILL DO IT.

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          Can we just lie down in a pile of ocs and just occasionally draw them doing gross things /thats it/ just a pile of ocs it'll be great.

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            oh man that would be perfect
            totally perfect