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Leaving Weasyl? by Robo-Shark

Ever since everyone began to migrate here from Fur Affinity, I'd had high hopes that this place might be a great alternative site for anthro artists (and artists in general - I like the layout and some of the features more than deviantART's, although overall I prefer DA). Unfortunately, even after a few months, it doesn't feel much like a full fledged community, or an ideal place for commission artists to advertise their work.

I always disliked Fur Affinity and don't plan on returning there, but I may just stick to Deviant and Tumblr. Posting here seems kind of like a waste of time unfortunately, with how few folks are active (no offense to those of you who are, I love seeing your work! But maybe I can follow you on DA instead?).

I'm not removing things or anything, but due to restricted time to post my art up on sites, it may be more beneficial for me to let Weasyl fall by the wayside. I've watched several other commission artists leave already and I'm a bit on the fence. The audience and market on deviantART is much better for me at this point.

Leaving Weasyl?


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    Mostly, people are using this as a third location to store their stuff, and collect fans. I'm here as a primary spot.

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      Cool that you're here as a primary spot, I'd love to see more shift that way. I thought more were going to do so after the whole FA debacle. I'd hoped to use it as a primary as well.

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    the problem is people not even attempting to make it work, little bit of trouble and they scarper.

    The reason theres no commission base here is because nobody sticks it out, literally "not got a com in 2 days running back to FA"

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      Ugh man I can't stand FA and have no desire to go back there. I can get commissions here, but it's more that my time is limited and I can't be keeping track of messages on too many different sites. I gotta focus on the ones with the most promise, and man I'd much rather that this place took off than go with Tumblr or something. I'll stick it out for longer, though I've been here for over a year and not a whole lot has developed.

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        I dont get as many but I'm more interested in supporting a site like this (one this fandom has needed) that isn't a pedofest like pedobunny or a corrupt poorly coded shanty town like FA

        I've been here since the start and it has ups and downs but again, people are stupid and cry about FA being bad or another site then refuse to stick out the bad times; literally took me 2 weeks to raise 40 bucks when on FA I could make 80 in 2, just the brakes sadly ;3;

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          Yeah I'd honestly love a more tasteful kind of site, and Weasyl is the closest to it that I've found. It feels a ton more professional. I think the commissioners who are sticking to FA are doing so because they need the income to survive. I'm fortunate in having a full time job in the design industry so I don't take commissions as my full time living. D:

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    I've been stalking a fair few artists, and am actually having trouble getting any commissions from anyone at all (I've been stalking your account for most of my stay here, trying to get a commission) - either because they have more fans on older sites with a larger fan base, or either their commissions get filled in a matter of hours. This is a recent site, and people are slowly making their way here, so yes, there is a smaller community, but that doesn't mean this community doesn't order any sort of art.

    The problem here with some artists (Not handing out names) are that they will ignore Weasyl for most of it, relying heavily on sites such as FA or DA - posting most of their stuff there and holding auctions and commissions raffles there rather than here. Then, they complain about the lack of attention they get on this site, and leave (I am not implying you are doing this, but some artists are).

    I understand that artists can't hold that many galleries, but they could at least give the users of this site the same chance and opportunities they give the others - this site has a small community yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean we don't want to commission you (artists), we simply don't get the chance. I do, however, get the point where some artists need the business (and that other older, larger sites provide you with more opportunities), and that is fine to me - and I fully agree with you when you say you wish to leave because the market on other sites is better. On the other hand, if you're doing that simply because others are leaving, I think you should reconsider (Or at least postpone) your departure - don't be a sheep....

    Whatever the decision you take, should it be to leave or stay, I wish you the best of luck. It's gonna suck not seeing your art around here as often.


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      Yeeeeah I'm sorry you had to miss on my slots, I can't take any more since it was just so many, it was a much larger turnout than expected!

      I've noticed that exact problem - a lot of folks just dump art here when they feel like catching up. It's like a dumping ground for artists who are more active on other sites, which leaves it feeling very disconnected. I did do Weasyl-exclusive commission offers but nobody took me up on them. I've since kept to posting regular commissions, which I have gotten some, though more people have expressed that they'd be interested solely if I do mature art at this point, which I'm not really fond of to be completely honest. I'm not a furry and I do not like the fetish side of the fandom much, though I do like to draw anthro characters.

      I tend to post to all 3 of my art sites at the same time, and I comment equally across the board. But with a work week that runs me near 100 hours, it's tough to find time in between projects to check them all, and it's so much easier to have all my messages in one place. ...Maybe going with email is the best route? I've seen some commission artists create a web form that people use to order a commish which immediately routes the info and refs to one email address to keep it organized in one spot.

      I came to this site well over a year ago in hopes that it would be a better alternative to FA, it's much cleaner and streamlined, and has a nice mobile version that helps me to keep in touch when on the go, which is often. I'm not giving up on it yet, but it's a bit disheartening seeing so many leaving, and definitely relating to why. (I just hope most aren't going back to FA...)

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    I'm currently using all three! (DA, Weasyl and Tumblr that is) and depending on which one the artist posts their commission information on first is usually the one that I use when I'm looking for art - I definitely like this site much better, it'll just take some time I think c:

    In the meantime I'd totally understand whatever your reasons are for leaving; it's what works best for you personally, after all!

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      Hah cool! Yeah I tend to actually post the info at about the same time, one after the other - I definitely get the most traffic on DA so far. I'll keep trying to keep up with all of them, I just might have to cut back overall or something!

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    I don't suppose you use Chrome by chance do you? It has a neat extension available for it called Waxpost; lets you cross-post stuff to Weasyl from other websites (Including DA) in a single click. I can understand that as an artist you want to maximise the number of people who see your work, and DA has a bigger user base and it's been around longer, so for DA to be your main source makes sense; but if you are intent on leaving Weasyl completely then I feel that's a bit of a slap to the face to your fans who follow you here. :/

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      I don't but I could try that, I've heard about it! Problem is, I think it kind of just adds to the whole "weasyl is used as a dumping grounds" issue, I really would love to take part here as part of a community, rather than just a place to spam people with art and not bother to interact with 'em. It could still shave off time it takes to post though, so it's worth a shot! Thanks for the suggestion!

      Yeah it's a lot smaller community here, and just much much quieter in comparison too. I have only about 100 followers here, so I don't think I'd be much missed, considering I have thousands on my two DA accounts |D And most seem to have a Tumblr or DA!

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    It'd be a shame if you left, I don't plan to use DA except for dumping a few odds and ends there now again. I think I do follow you on Tumblr though.

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      Yeah there are 3 or 4 people here who I rarely see on other sites, so I'd like to keep up with's a shame there's no perfect community for all of us D: I will continue to post here and see if things pick up in the next few months!

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    Aww, yeah...Weasyl does seem kinda hard to get noticed. :C but deviantart is for popular artists. So I don't get noticed there AT ALL. v.v
    I get all my commissions on FA and ( hopefully soon ) Weasyl and Facebook.

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    *"it doesn't feel much like a full fledged community, or an ideal place for commission artists to advertise their work" *

    Well if ppl keep leaving cause of this it will never be O__O I mean comon Weasyl is still new and it needs to get a chance to grow and I will def be a part of it. Just try to be active yourself and you will see that more and more ppl will be active on your page too, anyways that is what I experienced.

    Of course its nothing like fa (or da I guess?), but hey that site exists since forever and already got his shot to grow to a big community as it is. But I rlly prefer this site more so I am gonna try to make this my main, but I wont leave fa either. Its always good to spread myself out there more for more interest ^__^

    I am not using DA unfortunately, so I am rlly gonna miss your work :( your work is awesomesauce! Anywayss good luck and all, and maybe if I ever gonna use DA I will def check you out there ♥

    PS What is your experience of DAa, cause I am hearing allot of negative feedback from other ppl that its not a good place to advertise yourself when it comes to selling your commissions and such???? Whats your experience in that? Cause maybe I will give that site a shot too in that case :P

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    i think a large part of this is the complete inability to wipe sections of your updates. like why can't i clear favs, clear journals, and then focus on comments?

    also the tiny thumbnails...just a bad idea, in my opinion. it looks great on the front page, but as far as submission notifications it's so detrimental. oh well etc

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      Yeeeah, I dunno exactly what it is, but it feels a lot less...communicative. I think a lot of artists are using it as a secondary site to dump art rather than interact with people, and most of the folks I watch here are also already posting to other sites where they tend to be more active when it comes to commenting and such. I rarely even get a reply when I comment on art here so I've sadly kind of stopped...

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        yeah, p much. it works great as a portfolio, but as a community i'm just not seein it taking off like it should.

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    I'm sorry to hear Weasyl is not working out well for you! I took interest in the site mostly from you posting about it, and I've actually fallen in love with the site. I tend to check it more regularly than dA, and have found several new artists to follow. I have also been making more of an effort to comment and interact with other artists here, I actually think the smaller community helps me not be as nervous about chatting with new people. I get very little interaction from dA and Tumblr, so even though I have much less followers here, I've only been getting a little less interaction than other sites.

    I'd love to see you stick it out for a bit longer and give it a chance, it is still a pretty new site after all. Of course I completely understand the difficulty of maintaining so many different sites. For commissions and such, have you thought about directing people to a single form or e-mail to keep track of them all? I started doing that with my commissions, and it is soooo much easier to keep track of everything. Pretty much everyone has e-mail, so it is easier to stay in contact with commissioners I think. I also just really hate the private messaging systems on dA and Tumblr(haven't used the one here enough to have much opinion on it).

    Also, on a bit more of a selfish note, I really love the idea of the collections on this site, so I love it when artists I commission post the work here so I can collect it, hahaha.

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      I do really like the site overall! It seems very dead on my end, I actually get a lot less interaction, despite having found new artists and trying to connect with them. There are a few who I do get to chat with from time to time, and I'm going to try to keep posting here from time to time, but it really does feel more like a secondary dumping grounds for art (and also much more successful for porn artists, much like Fur Affinity).

      I've thought about going to email for commissions and using a form! I really like DA's note system, it works perfectly for me. I don't like Tumblr's or Weasyl's though, so email would be better. I love collections too, that is one thing (along with the banner and commissions options on the layout) that I wish DA had! Collections really helps to keep some people from reposting my art in their galleries, something I really disliked about Fur Affinity. :\

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    What is your Deviantart? I'll watch you on there! c:

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      Hey sure I'm Robo-Shark there too! I've just added you! :D

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    Aww, its alright if you don't want to keep with weasyl ;3; I understand. But yeah I'm not going back to FA either, if i was to leave weasyl I would stick to DA and tumblr as well.

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      DA works pretty well for me, but yeah...I think I'll keep Weasyl as a backup for when I get the time to like drop by. I'm not a big furry fan anyways so it's not really the right community for my work I don't think, hahah.

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    Yeeaaah I understand you; I like this site because it's smaller and makes me feel more comfortable, but I'm speaking as a hobby artist. You're a professional looking for customers and there just aren't that many on Weasyl, especially compared to dA. It's a shame because Weasyl has some nice features, but dA's community is so much bigger and allows you to make better business. I'm sorry this site didn't work out for you!

    I'm still on dA myself and I reaaaaally need to update my gallery there, oops. |D I've been falling behind with both art sites lately.

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      Yeah, I find it less useful for networking and commission purposes, I'm still trying to give it a shot. Guess I'll see if I can fill 10 commissions here - if not, then I'll just stick to DA for now :)