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Kind of a let down by Silenceartwork

I know this is going to come off as whiny, which is not what I want, but I sort of want to get it off my shoulders so here it goes.

It's kind of an intense let down that I barely get any comments or anyone LOOKING at my art. It's let down when I know certain people I watch get so many comments and im lucky to get one on every other third submission. And don't get me wrong, I love the one person who comments's just so depressing to think to realize your art must be that boring, that cliche or just not interesting enough that no one bothers to look or comment.

How am I supposed to improve,supposed to get the muse or urge to draw when no one will give me critique, when im to scared to ask artists I know for critique because the last chilly 'welcome' they gave me.

Even the rare porn that I draw gets barely any looks or comments. Im going to have to suck it up and go to deviant art and make a page there, even though I hate the website as a whole and what it represents because I need critique and I need someone to at least say 'hey wow this looks interesting' or im going to just have my art muse wither and die and im afraid it will never come back.

Kind of a let down


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    I can empathize with the frustration, I think it's better for you to express your feelings than to hold them in. Hell knows I do it enough.

    I'd suggest maybe to try and feel out a different perspective on this situation; why does it necessarily have to be about you? Sure, it might come off as whiny to say that people are lazy, but... by most objective measures, they are. Do you find inherent value and pleasure from the action of creating art? What does it do for you when someone takes the time to comment, or when you notice you get an especially high amount of views on a piece? Is that the sole factor which breathes life into your muse? You need to closely consider why you do what you do, what drives you.

    I'd also suggest trying out the Critiques section in our forum, where you may run across a few of our resident artists who do their best to offer their input. It's kind of a cozy place, but people do get replied to. I reply when I can, although the only thing I'm really able to critique is lighting and shadows. At any rate, we're still in the early stages of trying to help form various communities here on Weasyl, and it'll take some time yet. I like where Weasyl's future is headed, but things are definitely a bit slow at times.

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      First off, thank you for taking the time to comment, and nicely <3

      I do find pleasure in creating some art, while the other times its a drag, mentally on me. When someone takes the time to comment it makes me realize that hey perhaps im actually good at this and its worth going on(It should have been noted that I have extreme anxiety and paranoia, on medication for it so...)

      I havent really given much thought to the forum(the last time I used an art forum was Furaffinity and jeeez that place is scary). Ill have to keep in mind that yes the forum is there and I can use it.

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        It's my pleasure, I enjoy browsing journals and getting to talk with people, maybe even helping out once in awhile.

        Good, I'm glad you have internal drive to create, as when external forces dominate your actions, it really puts a strain on one's self between their desires and reality. As a multi-medium creative guy, I totally understand the difference between nobody commenting on my work. While I create solely for myself, I still love having that feedback, and I have to work very, very hard to get it. Being a musician is even harder in this regard, because not only do people have to take the time to comment, but they also have to sit there and listen! It's been.. quite a struggle, but I've shockingly found some success here on Weasyl. I've just sort of come to an enlightened state about my creativity, one that took a lot of pain to get to.. yet I realize my way of thinking doesn't apply to everyone, so I can only kindly offer suggestions. Do it for yourself; everything else is just extra gravy on top.

        I can assure you we run a tight, fair ship on the forums and that any incidents are promptly responded to. Not all Mainsite staff are on the forum, but I'm one of the crossover mods who works on both. It's slow on there these days, but we're hoping it'll pick back up soon with spring break and all.

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    Hello! I am commenting for a few reasons... Mainly, I like this site and would like to foster the community and help it grow... so seeing anybody on the verge of leaving is sad. :(

    I, myself, have not been active pretty much at all lately, mainly due to some huge life-changing events in my personal life and work being extremely demanding since the start of the year. I feel bad that I had to, but I cleared my submission queue when it had 1500 submissions just because I simply didn't have time.

    I am slowly getting back into the swing of things and trying to both re-learn some names and to figure out how I ended up watching most of the people I am watching here. Unfortunately, a lot of the people I am watching are artists that were featured in someone's journal or something similar... which leaves my mind with nothing to attach their name to aside from their avatar. I did go through most of their galleries to see some of their stuff before blindly following, but with the speed at which I was perusing art and following the artists here, I'm afraid not very many of those I am currently watching were commited to memory.

    You fall in the middle with me, as I could say "oh yeah, I'm watching them!" if someone brought up your profile name, but I do not have an image or interaction association to go along with it... I am actually planning on going through my watch list and subsequently going through galleries and faving/commenting so that I can find those missing 1500+ submissions I had to clear. :3

    Don't feel discouraged, though! I did peek at your images quickly on my phone here at work just to make sure I wasn't talking out of my butt, but you have some nice art. :D I am very picky about what I actually fave... simply because I think favorite is not synonymous with 'like' as most people seem to use it for these days...

    But anyhow, I think Rory brought up some great points. If you just keep doing what you like to do... you will end up happy, regardless of the number of favs and comments you get...

    You might have also picked up that I can be spacey at times... :D

    Sorry for the, uhh, TLDR; o.o

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      i don't have plans on leaving! Just, thought id try and branch out to get more help, but I hate deviantart as a whole.

      and I know I dont need favs or comments to be happy it just helps ;x haha but thank you for the comment

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    I'm sorry for not commenting more, I never know what to say and I'm afraid lots of "Oooh it's pretty, I like it." comments will get tiresome, not just for you, I mean in general. But I want you to know that I really do like your art; that's why I watch you! You do a lot more interesting stuff than some of those "popular" artists that just keep doing the same bland, albeit well-done, pinups or porn all the time and I can tell you have a couple different styles that you use, which I also appreciate. So speaking just as an admirer, not someone who can actually give critique or suggestions to improve since I'm not an artist myself, I just wanted to say "Ooooh it's pretty, I like it." XD

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      Oh no no its fine, and yes I admit comments like 'great' or 'woo cock' or what have you are sort of boring. Im glad to know I have an interesting style though! <3 thank you so much

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    Sorry this is kind of a short comment and possibly stating the obvious but I looked at your submissions a bit and noticed none of them have 'critique requested' flagged on them! When submitting that's always an option to turn on and it helps people realize you're looking for insight.

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      whelp, I must confess this is another moment where I didnt truly think bout it. Ill add that to the rest of the art I upload and see how that goes.

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    Hey, I'm usually a bit shy in these kinds of places, and sometimes too busy to always see people's newest works... But I'll try and do a better job of letting you and other artists know what I think of your work in the future, because you're right, knowing that people like your art is a huge part of what makes it worth doing!

    In general, I would say that you have a lot of natural talent, and willingness to explore new techniques and ideas. Honestly the best overall advice I can give you is just keep doing what you're doing!

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      Oh Malk why are you so nice?:C thank you for the comments you gave me on so many things! I should really go back and crisp up a few of them, and I do want to work more on realism/semi realism I guess. Anyway you made me really happy ;-;