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Update from my Fiance by MeaKitty

Just so y'all understand why I'm gonna be uber stressed for the next couple of days.

Okay, rant time. I got a voicemail today from Immigration wanting me to call them. APPARENTLY my 12 month visa extension was only for twelve months total time from when I arrived. Now, what's wrong with this picture? The website doesn't say it's from arrival. It just says how long are you applying for? 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. Any logical person would think that if you apply for twelve months, that means you're getting twelve months more since there is NOTHING at all on the site that explains it. So now apparently, my visa has been expired since Feb 11th. We paid right under a thousand dollars for this extension. I now have a meeting Thursday at the office in the CBD. Who wants to bet that they're going to demand more money from me? This is beyond ridiculous. First I am told I can apply for a working permit when I get down here, only to be rudely told I can't while in the country. Then they don't disclose the fees properly so that we get a nasty surprise when my extension goes from three hundred dollars to a thousand, and now this crap? Thank you Immigration, this is a situation that EASILY falls under entrapment laws. You cannot state someone is applying for an extension of XXX amount of time and then turn around later and state that it is not from date of application but instead date of arrival, thereby forcing them into a situation that means their status is illegal. Proper disclosure is a very interesting thing. So, in two days we shall see how this is going to go. I imagine it's going to be quite the headache.

On top of that my $100 headphone's broke, and as a mild touchphobic there goes my one escape from the stupid people that make too much noise on the train. As long as I have my music I have a little bubble that keeps me sane. Already freaked out twice coming home today, tomorrow's going to be even worse.

My car's now out of Rego, another $200 I don't have, so back to shopping by bus which stresses me out more. We can only carry so much, plus bus fare is more than I can afford for two people. I can barely afford the $60 I need to get to and from work every fortnight.

And this is all on top of the fucking bank screwing me over for the second time in a row with my loan repayments. I'm now $300 overdue, and though I have a payment arrangement in place that's $210 a fortnight that I don't really have.

We were going to go in to the CBD (Central Business District - the "suburb" where I work in the centre of town) and go look at changing all my debts over to the Police Credit Union which will give me discounts because of work and all. But couldn't afford to get my Fiance a freakin' bus fare to get her into town. And right now it's really the least of the problems.

I have no idea what I'm going to do any more. When it's just maybe $100 a fortnight extra we need I can usually make that up in a couple of wing-it commissions or whatnot. And I'm aware there was just a Fur Con of some sort so a lot of my regulars are out of funds for the moment. That's okay, we can deal with only a little bit of food (though as a fucking diabetic I really shouldn't be skipping meals, not having lunch today has left me shaking violently and freezing cold, and so exhausted I'm trying so hard not to pass out at the computer right now and I have to triple check my typing here).

I'm just stressing myself into sickness, right now I don't even care about the fucking inspection I have on Thursday that I am completely unprepared for. I haven't the strength in me to actually clean any more, and compared to the possibility of losing my fiance and having her potentially deported it's just... so insignificant I can't give a fuck whether I get kicked out of here or not.

I'm just... done. At this point in time I'm done. I can't care about anything any more except her. I don't care about eating, or sleeping, I don't care if my house is clean enough for inspection or not. I don't care if the bank even defaults me on the loan, don't care about making the repayments. I'm going to be tired and cranky, and prone to outbursts of anger (and probably quite a few more tears than I'm crying right now)... so I apologize in advance if anyone cops it in any way.

I just have to make it through thursday.


Sigh. Sorry for the rant but.... yeah. There you go.

Update from my Fiance


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