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Life, commissions, and stuff by Shibara

Life this past months and stuffs (maybe TMI, depending on your sensibilities)

January was just a whole month of preparations for the fact that a dear internet friend would come to visit for a week at the end of it. I was equal parts bouncing with excitement and scared out of my head, fearing I'd fuck up somehow.

Visit happened. It was a continued trip of awesome, awkward and generally good times. I was left the happiest happy, and I think they had a good time, too ^^ I learned that ice-cream delivery is not thing in the US. This boggles my mind, and makes me sad for all my american acquaintances.

February was spent working and looking for a home. The boyfriend and me are attempting to buy a place and move in together. Real estate searching sucks, but not as much as I thought it would, being honest. 0w0
This was also the month of worrying, because of the complexities of family communication. Also, I feared for a while that I was pregnant, on account of my organism doing whatever the frag it wants with my cycle. Not cool, internal organs. Not cool.

Work and Commissions

The flashcard work is finished. I still have to make the covers of the books, but the flashcard making itself is over. This means I will be back to fully working on commissions.
As soon as I finish clearing the ones I have left (which should be done in a couple of weeks), I'll probably start opening for small things like icons, and depending on work and study flow, go up from there.

On other news, there is a possible large-ish project in the oven! If things continue to work out, I'll be doing a series of illustrations for a bestiary. Tentacles an teeth ahoy! This is still in the first stages of project-making, so I don't want to say much, but I am super excited about the whole thing. \0u0/

On a less happy note: I don'think I'll be taking complex, polished Transformers commissions again, for a long while.

I'm a-ok with complex composition if they are sketches, or polished images if they are portraits, icons, or something simpler like that, but large, complicated and fully colored images are something that I am still not able to finish fast enough.
The commissions I have left are proof of it, and I won't be getting into something like those again until I know I am able to deliver in a much smaller time than what I can do at the moment.

Well, that's about it.

Expect more frequent stream, posting and commission slots this year. 0u0


Okeanos - Chibi - Sketching (paid)

Microphone - Sketch - Not started yet (not paid)

Life, commissions, and stuff


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  • Link

    wait wait wait wait wait wait wait...


    What is this magical thing

    • Link

      That, is the EXACT reaction I got in every single place where I posted this. Actually, I think it's more gelato than icre-cream, but I still have trouble differentiating them.

      It's pretty much like pizza delivery? You order which flavors you want, and they bring it in polystyrene cups (must be at least 1/4 kilo for delivery). It was one of those 'wait, I thought this was a universal thing' cultural-shock moments. xDDDD

      • Link

        Oh my god why ISN'T this a universal thing though?? I could see people flipping out over this in America, geez!