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So today I got pulled over for the first time. by inuHein

I was driving back home when suddenly I got pulled over by a traffic officer. He told me having tinted windows is prohibited, and the vehicle verification sticker was expired since 2011 (oops).

I had never been stopped in the 5 years I've been driving so I didn't know what had to be done, so I just agreed with everything he said. He was gonna take my car to get it checked or something, and I was like "Oh, okay." But after a while he said to me, "Look, I'm gonna help you out. I will only give you a ticket for now and I won't take your car. I like you so I wanna help you out." I'm like "Oh, cool, thanks!". He asked for my name to write the ticket, so I told him.

Then he told me he could help me out even more. He said he'd let this one slide and let me go home without a ticket, but to be careful and stuff. I thanked him, then asked if there was anything else or if I could leave now. He started implying either a bribe or...something else. I told him I didn't have any money, to which he replied "Who said anything about money?" I told him that I had no idea what he was talking about, that I had nothing I could give him.

He got mad, "Oh, so that's how you do things? I help you out and you just say "thank you" and leave? I'm helping you out and you won't give me anything in return?" I told him that I didn't ask for any favors in the first place, that if he had to fine me or take my car then he could go ahead. He just kept saying the same thing or something until he finally said "Okay, leave. Have a good day." I was confused. Thought he was being sarcastic or something. I asked if there was anything else, then he told me again to leave. So I did.

I was shaking the entire time lol. What a fucking pig.

So today I got pulled over for the first time.


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    That's it. We're getting you a gun for your birthday.

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      I like this idea, yes please. Hopefully I won't ever need to use it, though.

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    No seriously. Fucking thug-in-uniform assholes. There needs to be a faaaar more strict screening process for who gets to be a cop.

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      For real, man. >:|

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    Are you kidding me? WHAT? THATS SO FUCKED!! vjfkdsdfjklshkdfh FUCK
    UGH, what a great first experience getting pulled over. What a fucking creep. UGH
    Im so angry for you!

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      I was mostly shocked and scared as fuck. I thought he was gonna do something to me, I don't know. It was pretty awful but luckily he didn't do more than get mad and let me go.

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    I dont understand what he wanted..

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      I think he wanted a blow job. -gags-

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    dude what the fuck that's VILE. ugh i wish you'd got his car number and been able to report him or something. this is exactly why cops gotta start wearin cameras in my opinion >:(

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      Yeah, seriously. At least he didn't do anything to me. :|

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        ugh ugh i almost wish he'd given you a ticket because then his name would have been on it

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        Just so you know, you do not need to have a badge number or car number to report police misconduct. If you wish to file a report, I can explain to you how to do that. If he called in his stop like he was supposed to, just the time, date, place, and a physical description of the officer should be sufficient.

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    I am not a lawyer, so this is just well thought out personal advice.

    For future reference, if anything like this ever happens again, do the following:

    1.) Ask for their name and badge number. They must give it to you. Make sure to write it down, or if you have a phone, inform them that you are going to reach for your cellular phone so that you may text yourself that information. If you do not have one now, also get a sound-recorder application and just sneakily turn it on, then leave the phone aside.

    2.) Never admit to anything. Ever. If they say 'such and such is prohibited', do not argue, but in a calm manner ask if there is any way that they could reference the specific violation/law, and the specific penalties for having whatever they say is wrong. EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT, EXERCISE YOUR 5TH AMENDMENT RIGHT TO AVOID SELF INCRIMINATION! (USA only).

    3.) If anyone asks to search your vehicle, refuse. No matter how much they insist, refuse. If they ask you to step out of the vehicle, do so, but shut the door behind you and SPECIFICALLY STATE, "I do not give you permission to search my vehicle." You should also look up local law - a lot of places do not allow them to search YOU without probable cause or a warrant either. If you live in an area where you can refuse, REFUSE.

    4.) Always accept the ticket, always show up in court to plead your side. If they are caught on recording (as I advised earlier) doing anything untoward, it will help you SO SO much. Reference whatever law they're trying to use against you, and use it for yourself. For example - how tinted is 'not allowed'? In my state, I can have a certain percentage of tint on all windows except the windscreen. If they say "X percentage and you are over" try and go to a dealer/shop and have someone look at it to determine if it is within normal boundaries, and then have them sign an affidavit saying as much.

    5.) After any police misconduct issues, write everything down if you do not have a recording. Try and recall it in as much detail as possible, use exact words. If you DO have a recording, and your state/jurisdiction allows you to record the police, use this as evidence. If they do not, do NOT discard it! Contact a lawyer and ask them what you should do with it.

    6.) If any officer of the law implies they want a bribe, sexual favour, or otherwise, don't say anything. Refuse the money/act, and immediately call the local branch that they belong to (if it is a city cop, call the city, township call the twp., etc.) and also A LAWYER. If you were arrested, CALL THE LAWYER FIRST. Then file a police misconduct report. It may seem redundant, but it is a necessary step.

    BEFORE SENDING THE COMPLAINT, MAKE SURE TO MAKE COPIES. Keep at least FIVE (5) copies in a safe place, and forward a copy of your report to the ACLU or your local civil liberties association.

    Lastly - not all cops are bad. There really are good ones that don't act like idiots, and are honestly out to help people. Yes, there are bad ones, but that doesn't mean that every single officer of the law is a bad person. They aren't meant to be feared, they are there to help people, ideally, in their time of need. They deal with a lot of stressful situations on a daily basis, and they have lives just like anyone else. The particular cop you dealt with sounded like a shit stain, don't get me wrong, but please, don't mindlessly hate all civil servants.

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      I really appreciate all this information, thank you very much. I hope I won't ever have to use it, though, meaning I hope this never happens again.

      About the tinted windows, it's not allowed where I live because drug dealers usually have tinted windows, but still a large majority of cars have them as well and don't get pulled over, so this guy was just looking for someone to scam.

      I know not all cops are bad, I just never had to deal with one myself and had the misfortune that the first one I encountered was like that. Like I said, though, I'm just glad he let me go without doing anything bad to me. I was just pretty scared and nervous.

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        I hope it never happens again as well, but it never hurts to be prepared. I hope that, if you DO get pulled over again, that you get pulled over by someone that actually wants to do their job and isn't an ass.

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    Asi son de puercos los pinches transitos. :/ No tienen derecho a llevarse tu carro ni tu licencia ni nada. Solo te dan la multa y ya- por si te pasa de nuevo :C es mejor pagar la multa a darles la mordida. Aparte creo te dan descuentos si pagas a tiempo.

    orz tambien podrias denunciarlo, pero conociendo al pais... no se que tan efectivo sea. Pero que bueno que no paso a majores ;n; cuidate mujers. No te dejes!

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    Holy shit that is horrifying. Real unprofessional and...creepy as fuck? I really hope he gets reported, glad you're okay. I'd be so spooked if that happened to me.