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Idea: Charity Gaming Marathon by Dark Violet

So a little background for all you non-brits out there...

Red Nose Day is coming up this month! Red Nose Day is a national event based around the charity Comic Relief ( They are based here in the UK and are dedicated to helping build a world free from poverty, and Red Nose Day is a drive to help that cause.

Inspired by other people doing similar events, I'm thinking about doing a drive of my own - a Gaming Marathon. I'll aim to complete as many single-player games as I can in 24 hours, and I'll be streaming my progress throughout the sessions.

Of course, this is where you come in; you can donate money to help the cause, be it a set amount or (As an incentive) an amount per games completed. I might even set up milestones; if I reach a certain amount, I have to something, like take a forfeit, or maybe even pay a certain amount of the money donated myself.

So the question is: What do you think of this idea? Would you help support it by sending a few dollars/pounds/euros/QUID my way? What kind of forfeits or milestones should I include? What games should I play? You could also point out any ideas of your own!

General Info:

Day planned:
31st March - 1st April, probably 10am-10am GMT.

Potential games:
Black Mesa
Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Episode 1
Half Life 2: Episode 2
Portal 2
Cave Story
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Star Wars: Battlefront II

...and any more you guys can think of/I have on Steam.

So please, share you ideas! ^^

Idea: Charity Gaming Marathon

Dark Violet

Journal Information
