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5 Questions by Sid Bane

Five question meme. Here are the comments Zinn asked.

• Leave me a comment saying "toy dinosaurs" and I'll respond with 5 questions.
• Update your journal with my questions and your answers.
• Ask five questions to anyone who wants to be interviewed.

1.) If Charisma was your most impressive skill that allowed for an nearly omnipotent way to affect the world, what would you do?

-Well, the nobler part of me would want to use it to help facilitate actually productive and respectful discussions on various types of issues that would hopefully lead to some sort of resolution. The selfish asshole part of me would want to use it to convince people to give me money.

I think I, personally, would probably settle for some sort of middle ground- I would use my charisma to help me with the promotion of my comics. I'm kind of a story-teller by nature and comics are the best media for me to do that, so that is probably where I'd most want to channel my energy into.
I also feel like, while charisma is a great tool for influence in leadership positions, wisdom and courage are also essential. Even with excessive amounts of charisma, I do not feel like I would have the wisdom or courage required for a good leadership position.

So comics- or I'd decide to revive the tradition of becoming a nomadic bard.

2.) How do you feel about how EnterVoid affected your Artistic Development?

-It's helped me out quite a bit. One obvious was is in critique. I've gotten some good constructive feedback that has helped me improve my comics overall. Also, since the comic battles are (obviously) competitive in nature, it's can also be a good exercise in creative storytelling. One thing you are scored on is creativity, so going for the most obvious or easiest plot line can detract from your final score. There are other creative challenges presented like- if your opponent has a different character type from your own, how do you integrate that character type into your comic without it being awkward (ex. if you have a cartoony character and your opponent has a grimdark superhero character).
Like any art site focused on constructive critique, though, what you get out of it is only as good as what you are willing to get out of it.

3.) What is the weirdest thing you've made in the Kitchen?

-Pfffft. I'm not much of a cook at all. :/ I think the weirdest thing I might have made in the kitchen would be when I mixed chocolate-peanut butter spread in with Life cereal or when I made toast with peanut-butter and then added a layer of sugar on top of it.
.... because I have all the palette sophistication of an 8-year-old.

4.) Whatever happened to Pointy-Face Krat?

-I think I just kinda slowly lost interest in using that character. When I was using krat I did consider myself much more of a furry artist (as for whether I still am or not really depends on which of the ridiculously variant definition of "furry" you go by). I still draw anthropomorphic art and still post on furry art sites because drawing animal people is fun and I like posting my art where people will enjoy it. Still, as the years went by, I just more or less loss interest in active presentation in the furry fandom (if that makes any sense).
Also, when I was using my fursona Krat, I was also still dealing with a lot of confusion involving who I am and how I presented myself- a lot of confusion that stemmed from gender dysphoria. So, in a way, the character was a way for me to present myself in a "mask", so to speak, as I was not at all comfortable with myself. Now that's not to say that all people who have fursonas have them out of a sense of personal confusion, but in my experience, that's what I used mine for.

5.) Artists tend to go by a variety of labels; Graphic designer, Illustration, Animator, Printmaker etc, which one if you had to introduce yourself with only one word would you go for and why?

-Probably illustrator, since most of my work is geared towards illustration. Comic artist might be a close second (I personally see comics as being tied to illustration). I guess, if anything, I would consider myself a story-teller. I've always been fascinated with making up characters and telling stories- comic just so happen to be the way that fits me the best when it comes to telling said stories.

5 Questions

Sid Bane

Journal Information



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    I still remember a lot of really old facts and drawings (Like the line up of zany villians with one guy in a Bee Suit) that I sometimes worry on a Pub Quiz about your life I'd probably come in second place, That two other questions I didn't ask was how creepy does it feel to have this one person just watch you for years that lives in another continent? Prior to studying Art I talked to a Prof. in Biomedical Science about connections between Science and Art and showed him the birthday gift you did for me and he ended up using it in the next year's lecture talking about the wonders of adaptability humans display.

    The other question is how surprized were you by the questions?

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      I guess, for me, the idea of someone watching me (or at least what I put online) for years who is living in another continent, doesn't really phase me as much as I think it really should. I grew up from the 90's onward, so by this point (at least as far as the impression I got) the idea global connectivity was pretty much commonplace.
      I remember talking to my father one time about posting my work online. Since he grew up during the 1950's, he told me about how it pretty much blew his mind that I had people over in different countries following what I posted online or that I could actively communicate with people in different countries. It's one of those moments where it made me realize, not only how far we've managed to come with our communication technologies, but just how impressive something like that actually is from an objective stand-point.

      As far as how creepy it is, I guess I'm personally not too creeped out since, again, I grew up with that as part my cultural awareness. It was just a possibility that was always there. I think also the fact that I have active agency in what I choose to reveal online and what information I choose to keep to myself, helps cut down on the creepy factor (and yeah, I know there's always a risk of hacking and such, but I'm not gonna think about that now. :/)

      Also, the professor using that piece of art in one of his presentations is really cool. I feel unnecessarily accomplished right now. :D

      Admittedly, knowing you, I couldn't say I was all too surprised by those questions (and I mean that in the best way possible). I knew you probably weren't going to ask me something like "What's your favorite type of music?" or something like that.

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        I may not know de facto what you're favourite music is, but I know you have or still do listen to Cheap Trick, Blue Oyster Cult and Tom Waits off the top of my head.

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          Tom Waits is pretty much one of my favorite artists, along with Johnny Cash. Really, though, I kind of just bounce around from music genre to music genre. Right now, on Pandora, I've been listening to a combination of Cash, bluegrass and psychobilly.