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5 questions by wendigoflesh

Got this from OddOly ! I answer the questions and I give you five more if you put the words kinky freakjobs in your comment.

1. When did you define major themes of your writing? Was it hard?
Figuring out major themes is /still/ a thing that I'm working on. In some stories I have it set, I have a certain ideal or 'message' I get that I'm getting across. Or just a general topic I feel like tackling at the time with it. Honestly I avoiding giving certain themes to stories because I never thought them threw probably, I just though 'hey, this is a plot i like, this can happen' and left it at that. Though recently I've spent a while rehashing things and setting out certain themes/topics that I want to throw in with them. For example, I'd say Pen and Clarence have a general topic of skewed perspectives and general delusion about events while Tobias' is probably about how you're not going to get enough help if you don't help yourself first. Or it's just a story about a short side-burned asshole ruining everything but I like to pretend that I have some sort of deeper thought than 'wouldn't it be terrible -LY GREAT if these bad things happened'.

2. Do you ever feel guilty for something you write/draw (when you make your characters' lives hard I mean)?
Honestly, I don't. I kinda enjoy creating complex and terrible things that happen to my guys n gals because it's interesting to write. It's fun to write things like how they were before, how things affected them and what things changed them. Sure, some good things happen but I think honestly a lot of my characters are very much just torture monkeys trying to form some kind of plot alongside all the terrible things happening to them. I'm not very emotionally caring towards any of my characters. Rip em apart, kill your darlings, whatever.

3. Favourite book/show/cartoon (or some of those)

I completely adore most Clive Barker books. The Great And Secret Show and Cabal in particular. I've not got too far into the Abarat but it's pretty decent. As for shows, I'm a pretty big fan of Hannibal and Breaking Bad. Only just got up to date with all of them yesterday. As for cartoons I like Venture Brothers a lot. I don't have much to say on any of them ahah.

4. Do you have any pets? If not, do you want to keep any?
I have a really dumb cat and an even dumber bearded dragon. Can't say the cats mine because she's more of a family pet but the lizard is purely out of my wallet. I want to get more lizards. I definitely want a black throat monitor or an iguana. I want a big fuckin lizard. If only money was a thing that came easily to me.

5. Any character you want to tell me about right now?
Uuuhh, I'm terrible with talking about particular characters without specific questions but I suppose I'll give it a shot. Grayes age depends on what novel he is but between the age of 18 at the beginning of any novel with him in it to his late fifties, he's a bit of an ass. Probably my favourite antagonist to write simply because I purely created him to be this completely hated character and so far it's worked. He has little to no positive/likeable traits and he'll be very much known as a main antagonist throughout a lot.
I've always loved reading irredeemable characters and having general 'NO YOU ASSHOLE DON'T YOU DARE' emotions when reading things that they're doing in the novels and my only hope is that I manage to invoke those sort of thoughts when I get around to writing every scene this pretentious asshole is in.

5 questions


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    Aw man, really interesting!

    It's hard for me to figure out a more proper comment than "interesting" (and I feel guilty about it) because I realised most of my questions were more or less about tastes and it's so silly to discuss it much. I mean it's easy to get swept up in all those tumblr posts and start thinking that things you like are the best things to like and anyone liking other things is a bad person because of it but really, people should like whatever they feel like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. So I really don't know what to say that won't be like "oh, I like X too but I don't like Y at all!"

    Though I always find it confusing (for me personally because I'm different) when people choose to keep lizards or turtles or fish, animals of that sort. I mean they don't interact with people much, do they? For me pets are all about.. well, intelligent response I guess (even if it's a dumb response). They don't have to be "best and loyal friends" stereotypical pets in fiction always seem to be, I'm perfectly okay with them being cynical bastards ignoring me when it's obvious I don't have any treats, but I like the idea that it's their conscious choice of interaction rather than the physical limit of it. Plus I like that they are warm and partly fuzzy. I realise that it's just the way I see it and other people by all means can see it differently but I wonder what makes it worth it for you.

    And haha, I'll watch out for Graye! I sort of fail at writing a completely awful antagonist (though I make it up by having protagonists normal people find awful) because even when I try to think of the most awful person possible at some point I imagine the time before they became that and it sort of goes down from there. Honestly I don't consider myself an optimist or someone who "sees good in every person" but even when I try to think of the most awful personalities or people who hurt me personally I end up thinking "well, I bet they weren't that bad when they were small... or maybe they are nice with people they are close to... oh and they can do that thing pretty well too!" or something of this sort. This kind of thinking messes me up a lot sometimes but I can't help it.

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      Yeah, discussing opinions on things like tastes is pretty hard sometimes. You're pretty good at writing long comments though, it's pretty easy to have a long paragraph or two conversation with you. : P

      I suppose aesthetics come in handy with it? If you like the look of certain fish/lizards/whatever then it would be cool to own them. Though with my lizard, he does tend to interact a lot. He likes to paw at the glass until I pick him up and hold him, he likes to perch on my shoulders and watch things goin on a lot. They're pretty friendly and interactive critters if you get them used to it from a young age. But yeah, cats and dogs and general furred animals are a lot softer to hug - my cat is lying across me right now and she's certainly warmer than the lizard. But iunno what makes it worth it, I guess I just really like reptiles.

      Yeah, I've made a point of working out Grayes backstory and what made him such a prick but at the same time I've managed to avoid making him a sort of.. redeemable character? He had a pretty gruelling past but at the same time he's a bad person who inflicted a lot worse onto others and sometimes put himself in those situations through his own general arrogance and such. Writing a good antagonist is easy to me?? I have trouble in developing my more morally apt characters than anything else - most of my protags are pretty grey-moral people but I have a couple who mean well and for some reason I find it pretty hard to come up with justifications for the reasons behind their kindness aha.

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        Yeah, I guess it differs. I thought of it and I don't think I care much about how my pets look (not in the "I don't care for them" way, in the "fur colour and shape of ears don't matter" way). But yeah, gosh, they are so huggable, you can get that only from living beings. I remember one kid I know got a mechanic toy dog for Christmas, it had batteries in it and its sides moved up and down like it was asleep and breathing. I touched it and it was the creepiest thing ever because it was cold and stiff like it was a dead body. It was even creepier because it didn't look like a toy dog, it looked very realistic.

        And yeah, people are weird. Sometimes I don't understand why people hurt someone who never did anything bad and sometimes I don't understand how people can be so forgiving and kind after they've been hurt so much. Both are very hard to write convincingly! Sometimes I read or watch something and think "oh well, no real person would feel remorse at this point, this character feels that just because the writer is a pretentious bastard who thinks it's the right point to feel remorse".

        If it makes it any better about morally grey protagonists, I think most people who truly believe "I am an all-around good person!" are not self-observant enough. I mean I try to be the best I can be but I can think of a lot of times I hurt someone unwillingly or willingly and I realise what it makes me. I sort of hate it when people talk about justice in fiction but when it comes to their own lives they go "oh yes, I did that stuff but I was hurt so much, I'm the victim here!" - yeah, you can be a victim but that doesn't magically erase bad things you did.

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          Ahh man those fake toy animals always freaked me the hell out. Though when I was little I did have one of those toy velociraptor things so maybe that influenced my like of lizards? I was super attached to it, even if not for the whole cuddly pet thing so much as 'look at my freaking dinosaur i have a /dinosaur/'. Toys that are meant to be furry animals and are super realistic like that would scare the heck out of me though.

          Ahha, I have a character who's very forgiving. Though Tobias is not a good person he's definitely a victim in some circumstances - it doesn't change the fact that he's a bad person who does bad things but it certainly adds some level of pity to him?? And most of his interactions with people tends to rely on them pitying him so I guess him having a victim complex sort of helps people slip into the 'poor tobias' mindset until he does something super bad. I hope when I get around to writing him people don't try to excuse any of his stuff like ''well this happened to him so he reasonably did this /unrelated bad thing/''.

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            Yeah, maybe dinosaurs are different because we don't actually have real dinosaurs (and if we did we probably wouldn't like that)? I still have a few dinosaur figurines, those really detailed ones. But when I was a kid I mostly liked soft cartoonish toys (though I was discouraged from toy cars and such and couldn't be forced to play with anything remotely representing humans, haha). But toys were less cool back then, I like wandering around toy shops now and I see so much more options for the weird kid I was.

            I sort of see it as "every saint has a past, every sinner has a future". I have a lot of characters who were hurt and ended up doing bad things and yeah, they were sort of pushed but at the end of the day there are people who were treated awfully but don't hurt other people back so it's possible. I guess I just think that we should acknowledge both bad things that happen to people and bad things people do and don't let those erase each other? Dunno, it's complicated and really depends on your personal view of justice and that's different for everyone (something I only recently understood).

            It's hard to express it though so we get those one-sided comments. Like Nutter was in a pretty bad place emotionally in the weeks that led up to this but that doesn't excuse or change what he did. And it's more complicated than "poor Nutter, he was so stressed" or "awful Nutter, he took a life", it's both. It's often interesting for me to see which "sides" readers pick because I don't think I can pick one side myself in most cases.

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    Damn, I haven't saw the end of Breaking Bad, and I didn't see Hannibal (i prefer the movies, I guess? MY gf is a fan tho)
    I would dig to have a lizard or a snake, tho, i'm a bit scared I won't be able to take good care of them.

    also Grayes is cool, I dig characters that act like asses fdusyn


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      I only watched the ending recently and ddamn that was a good series with characters I enjoyed. Hannibal is good, I also think I prefer the movies, I just love how grotesque things are in it. And how they explore a characters mental breakdowns.
      He doesn't even /act/ like one he just /is/ an ass he's the definition of asshole ahaha.

      whispers 'would u like five questions'

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        Ooh, okay! I never get the time to look at series sob grossly
        I NEED TO LOOK AT THE END OF BREAKING BAD FIRST and stop watching Buffy hdfing lmao

        okay five questions MY BUTT-I mean MY BODY IS READY

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          YOU SHOULD WATCH IT TODAY. Watch it today and talk to me about it or somethin.
          ((i haven't watched buffy in so long you're making me want to))

          prepare both of those things for these meme ok.

          1. Out of all your Gijinkas, which would be your favourite? And if you can't pick, are there any more developed than others?
          2. Where the heck did you get the ideas/general inspiration for Clyde Chesterfield ? ((ppffff i really like his design))
          3. Where do you get inspiration/ideas from in general?
          4. What art programs do you use/which ones are your favourites?
          5. Favourite game?